August 23, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Public meeting to discuss budget and proposed tax rate
A public meeting is scheduled to discuss the 2010-2011 budget and the proposed tax rate to fund it. You will find budget information in this BoardBook..
2. Budget Workshop
2.A. Adopt budget for 2010-2011
Kent Crutsinger
Action item: Mr. Crutsinger recommends the Board adopt the proposed budget for the 2010-2011
2.B. Adopt ordinance setting tax rate for 2010
Kent Crutsinger
Action Item : The ordinance setting the 2010 tax rate is included in this boardBook. The proposed ordinance reflects a Maintenance and Operations tax rate of $1.04 and an Interest and Sinking tax rate of $0.32. The proposed total tax rate is $1.36. When voting on this agenda item Board members must declare their vote individually when asked by the Board President. Ordinance is included is this BoardBook.
2.C. Final amendments to the current budget
Kent Crutsinger
Action item: Final amendments to the current budget will be presented for Board approval. This final budget amendment enables the District to meet state requirements established in the Public Education Information Management System(PEIMS). The amendments are included in this BoardBook.
2.D. Adopt Salary Schedule for 2010-2011
Kent Crutsinger
Action item: The Salary Schedule included in the July 6, 2010 BoardBook was incomplete. The schedule included in this BoardBook has the addition of a step for 30+ teacher. This is the only change.