March 8, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Public Comment
2. Consent Agenda
2.A. Minutes of regular meeting on February 8, 2010
2.B. Minutes of special meeting on February 23, 2010
2.C. Amendments to current budget
2.D. Resignations from professional personnel
2.E. Application for TEA waiver of missed school days
2.F. Quarterly investment report
3. Policy Matters
3.A. Policy Update 87, affecting local policies (see attached list)
4. Bids/Contract/Agreements
Mr. Biggerstaff requests your approval of this agreement which engages Denton County to conduct the upcoming trustee election.
4.A. Joint election agreement and contract for election services
5. Curriculum Matters
5.A. School Health Advisory Council report and curriculum recommendations
5.B. Technology Plan for 2010-2011
5.B.1. Recommendation
5.C. Proposal to require a local technology applications credit for graduation
6. Budget Workshop
6.A. Current budget update
Mr. Biggerstaff will review the latest budget data and information with the Board.
7. Board Workshop
7.A. Presentation by TASB consultant and approval of superintendent leadership qualifications and characteristics
TASB consultant Kim Krause will present the qualifications and characteristics that will be sought in the new superintendent. The Leadership Profile Report is attached. The Board needs to approve this item.
8. District Employees and Officers
8.A. Staffing projections for 2010-2011
Mr. Biggerstaff will review the staffing projections with the Board. This is not an action item since the projections do not call for additional personnel.
8.B. Consider and act on superintendent's recommendations regarding employment of professional personnel for the 2010-2011 school year
8.C. Consider and act on DCSEC Director's recommendations regarding employment of administrators and other professional personnel.
8.D. Consider and act on termination of probationary teacher contracts
9. Reports/Information Items
9.A. Financial report
9.A.1. Comparison of revenue to budget
9.A.2. Comparison of expenditures to budget
9.A.3. Percent of budget expended
9.A.4. Tax collection report
9.A.5. Monthly investment report
9.B. Elementary principals' reports
9.B.1. Butterfield Elementary
9.B.2. Chisholm Trail Elementary
9.B.3. Clear Creek Intermediate
9.B.4. Sixth Grade Campus
9.C. Curriculum report
9.D. Operations report
9.D.1. Food Service report
9.E. Superintendent's report
9.E.1. Enrollment report
10. Closed Session
10.A. 551.074 Discuss personnel or hear complaints against personnel