June 26, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Announcement of Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting
5. Action Item
5.1. Election of Officers for the Clyde CISD Board of Trustees
6. Discussion items:
6.1. JH Construction/Remodel
6.2. TCEC Shared Service Arrangement
6.3. Discussion of Clyde CISD CIPA Policy
6.4. Review SHAC Report from the 2016-17 School Year
6.5. First Reading of Vantage Points to Update 108
6.6. Clyde CISD Meal Charge Policy
6.7. High School Track Project
7. Reports
7.1. Asst. Superintendent of Finance/CFO - Terry Phillips
7.1.1. Current Month Cash Position
7.1.2. Investment Report
7.1.3. Tax Collection Report
7.1.4. Utilities Report
7.1.5. Combined Funds Board Report
7.1.6. Cash Receipts Journal
7.1.7. Check Payments
7.2. Superintendent Report:
7.2.1. Enrollment Comparisons
7.2.2. UIL Calendar 2017-2018
7.2.3. Campus Student Handbooks 2017-2018
7.2.4. Board Meeting and Budget Workshop Schedule
7.3. Director of Curriculum and Special Programs - Paula Kinslow
7.3.1. 2017 Preliminary STAAR Scores
7.3.2. GT Program Update
7.3.3. CTE Program Update
7.3.4. NAEP Testing Fall 2017
8. Board Report Requests
9. Agenda Items:
9.1. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda:
9.1.1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
9.1.2. Financial Report
9.2. Consider Approval on Second Reading of Board Policy FFAC(LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services-Medical Treatment
9.3. Consider Approval of Proposed Change Orders from Piper Weatherford Company, RHS Construction Services, Bontke Bros, Plyler Steel Fabrication, Vector Concepts, Batjer
9.4. Consider Approval of Stipend Schedule for 2017-2018 school year
9.5. Consider Approval of Changes to the Clyde CISD 2017-18 calendar
9.6. Consider approval of a TEA waiver for early releases for the 2017-2018 school calendar
9.7. Consider Approval to Appoint Delegate to TASB Delegate Assembly in Dallas on October 7, 2017.
9.8. Consider Approval of Clyde CISD Meal Prices 2017-2018
10. Closed Session
10.1. Personnel (Gov't 551.074)
10.1.1. Resignations:
| Junior High Teacher/Coach
| Junior High Teacher
10.1.2. Employment:
| High School Teacher/Coach
| High School Teacher/Coach
| High School Teacher/Coach
| Junior High Teacher/Coach
| Junior High - Principal
| Intermediate Teacher
10.1.3. Employment / No Action Required
| Junior High Special Ed Aide - Mike Fomby
10.1.4. Other Personnel
10.2. Purchase, Exchange, Lease, Or Value of Real Property (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.072 )
11. Open Session: Action, if any on Items Discussed in Closed Session:
11.1. Consider Approval to accept resignations and the hiring of new employees as presented
12. Adjournment