April 15, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before the meeting begins.
5. Student Recognition: Top Accelerated Readers and Million Word Readers from Clyde Elementary School
6. Recognition of Outgoing Board Member- Endgate Hawk
7. Discussion:
7.1. Appeal MVBA Filed On The Behalf of Clyde CISD and Callahan CAD
7.2. Legislative Update
7.3. Budget Numbers of Proposed Building Projects
8. Reports:
8.1. Asst. Superintendent of Finance/CFO - Dobie Williams
8.1.1. Current Month Cash Position
8.1.2. Investment Report
8.1.3. Tax Collection Report
8.1.4. Utilities Report
8.1.5. Combined Funds Board Report
8.1.6. Cash Receipts Journal
8.1.7. Check Payments for March
8.1.8. Senate Bill 1 Discussion
8.2. Superintendent Report:
8.2.1. Enrollment Comparisons
8.2.2. Summer Hours
8.2.3. SLI Conference Information
8.2.4. TRS Insurance Increase
8.2.5. Reception for Retiring Employees- May 15, 2013 4:00-5:00 pm
8.2.6. Disposing of Old School Buses
8.2.7. Travel Bus
8.2.8. Property by High School
8.3. Director of Curriculum and Special Programs - Paula Kinslow
8.3.1. Clyde CISD Summer School 2013 Schedule
8.3.2. Clyde CISD Spring Professional Development Update Part 2
8.3.3. Proposed Advanced Achievement Program at Clyde Intermediate
9. Board Report Requests
10. Agenda Items:
10.1. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda:
10.1.1. March 18, 2013 Minutes
10.1.2. Financial Report
10.2. Consider Interlocal Agreement Between ESC-14 and Clyde CISD In Regard to National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance
10.3. Consider Approval to Start Volleyball and Costs Associated at Clyde CISD
11. Consider Approval of Clyde CISD Grading Policy
12. Closed Session
12.1. Personnel (Gov't 551.074)
12.1.1. Resignations/ Retiring
| Patricia Walton- Retiring- High School Teacher
| Rick Gilmore - Retiring - High School Teacher
| Shelley Kniffen- Resigning - High School Teacher
| Clare Nickel - Resigning - High School Teacher
| Greg Edwards- Retiring- Junior High Principal
| Tiffeny Fulgham - Resigning - Intermediate Cafeteria
| Cathy Warrick - Retiring - Junior High Secretary
| Donna Ware - Retiring - Intermediate Teacher
12.1.2. Employment:
| Custodian
| High School Head Band Director
| Agricultural Science Teacher
| High School Science Teacher
| Junior High Math Teacher
| Junior High Band Director / High School Assistant
| CNA / Pharmacy Tech Teacher
| Junior High Principal
12.2. Purchase, Exchange, Lease, Or Value of Real Property (Gov’t § 551.072 )
12.3. Consider Recommendations Regarding Employment and Contract Status of Classroom Teachers and Other Non-Administrative Professional Personnel (Gov't 551.074)
12.3.1. District Level Contract Employees
12.3.2. High School Probationary/Term Contract Employees
12.3.3. Jr. High School Probationary/Term Contract Employees
12.3.4. Intermediate School Probationary/Term Contract Employees
12.3.5. Elementary School Probationary/Term Contract Employees
12.4. Information on Support Service Employees
12.4.1. Cafeteria
12.4.2. Maintenance- Transportation - Custodial
13. Open Session: Action, if any on Items Discussed in Closed Session:
13.1. Personnel
13.1.1. Consider Approval to Accept Resignations as Presented
13.1.2. Consider Approval of Contract -District Level Employee as Recommended
13.1.3. Consider Approval of Contracts - High School Probationary/Term Employees as Recommended
13.1.4. Consider Approval of Contracts - Jr. High School Probationary/Term Employees as Recommended
13.1.5. Consider Approval of Contracts- Intermediate School Probationary/Term Employees as Recommended
13.1.6. Consider Approval of Contracts - Elementry School Probationary/Term Employees as Recommended
13.1.7. Consider Approval of Contracts to Fill Vacant Positions
14. Adjournment