June 22, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Announcement of Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment:
5. Reorganization of the Board
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
6.2. Budget Amendments
6.3. Superintendent Reports
6.3.1. Enrollment Comparison
6.3.2. Professional Resignations:
| Shelly Hayes
| Dee Dee Waggoner
| Trisha Callaway
7. Reports
7.1. Administration Reports
7.1.1. Terry Phillips-Graduation
7.1.2. Greg Edwards- New Hires and Processes
7.1.3. Coach Ritchey-Introduce Coaches
7.2. Assistant Superintendent of Finance-Monthly Financials
7.3. Director of Student Support Sevices-Recent Projects
7.4. Director of Curriculum/Special Programs
7.4.1. Preliminary State Assessment Report
7.4.2. Vertical Teams- Summer Professional Development
8. New Business
8.1. Construction Update and Facility Planning
8.1.1. Current Construction Projects
8.1.2. Consider Approval of the CSP Contractor for the Auditorium Project
8.1.3. Long Range Facility Planning
8.2. Consider Approval of School Health Advisory (SHAC) Bylaws
8.3. SHAC Annual Report
8.4. Summer School/TAKS Remediation Sessions-Greg Edwards
8.5. Workforce Solutions Summer Program-Laura Vinson
8.6. Student Transportation Study Report
8.7. Adopt District Goals
8.8. Consider Date to review Superintendent Performance Indicators
8.9. Consider Dates for Future Budget Workshops
8.10. Consider Pay Scales
8.10.1. Maintenance, Custodian, Cafeteria
8.10.2. Transportation
8.10.3. Aides, Secretaries, Teachers
8.10.4. Stipend Schedule
8.10.5. Administrators
8.11. Consider Extending CCISD Bank Depository
8.12. Consider Bids for "Trust Property"
8.13. Consider Football Season Ticket Prices
9. Closed Session:
9.1. Personnel (Texas Gov't Code 551.074)
10. Open Session to Consider and Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session if Needed
10.1. Consider Personnel Recommendations
11. Adjournment