March 18, 2020 at 7:00 AM - Emergency Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Agenda Items:
3.1. Consider and Possible action on Resolution for compensation to employees during school closure due to COVID-19 outbreak.
3.2. Consider and Possible action to delegate additional authority to the Superintendent during emergency school closure, including authority related to budgeted purchases.
Motion: I move that the Board delegate the following authority to the Superintendent to be effective only during the period of emergency school closure. 1. Budgeted Purchases of Goods and Services. To make budgeted purchases for goods or services. Notwithstanding the requirements in CH(Local), the Superintendent may make budgeted purchases for goods or services regardless of amount. The need for a report to the Board of budgeted purchases in excess of $50,000. in Board Policy CH(Local) shall be suspended during the period of emergency |
3.3. Consideration and possible action to address needs of the District in order to respond to and take preventative measures related to COVID-19.
4. Closed Session (if needed):
5. Adjournment