May 19, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Verification of Compliance to Open Meeting Law
(Chapter 551.001, et seq of the Texas Open Meetings Act have been complied within connection with public notice of this meeting.) |
1.B. Establish Quorum
1.C. Invocation
1.D. Pledges to the United States Flag and the Texas Flag
2. Presentations, Recognitions, Awards and Announcements
2.A. Brahma of the Month Recipients
2.A.1. Elementary - Presenter: Amy Barron
2.A.2. Junior High - Presenter: Meghan Alcorn
2.A.3. High School - Presenter: Scot Wright
2.B. Brahma Pride Award
2.C. TMSCA - Presenters: Christy Williamson
2.D. Robotics - Presenter: Lauren Harrison
2.E. FFA - Presenter: Brent Kiefer and Stephanie Lynch
2.F. Band - Presenter: Lane Palmer
2.G. Debate - Presenter: Staci Wilder
2.H. DECA - Presenter: Lauren Harrison
2.I. Miscellaneous Student Recognitions
3. Administer Oath of Office
4. Executive Session
4.A. Discussion of Board Reorganization (551.083)
5. Action Arising from Executive Session (551.083)
5.A. School Board Officer Reorganization
5.A.1. President -
5.A.2. Vice President -
5.A.3. Secretary -
5.B. Announcement of Board Standing Committee Assignments for 2016-2017
5.B.1. Facility Committee -
5.B.2. Finance Committee -
5.B.3. Policy Committee -
6. Open Forum
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Approval of Board Minutes
7.A.1. April 21, 2016
7.A.2. April 25, 2016
7.B. Approval of April Expenditures
7.C. Approval of Tax Office Reports
7.D. Monthly Investment Report
7.E. Acceptance of Donation from First National Bank of Hughes Springs of $208 for Special Olympics
8. Action Items
8.A. Discussion and Possible Approval to use Fund Balance for Purchase of White Fleet Vehicle
8.B. Discussion and Possible Approval to Renew Texas Student Resources - Student Insurance
8.C. Discussion and Possible Approval to use Fund Balance for Bond Information
9. Information Items
9.A. Hay Bid Award
9.B. SHAC Annual Report
9.C. Preliminary Values
9.D. Facility Planning Following May 2016 Bond Election
9.E. Insurance Settlement Information - Bus #98
10. Superintendent's Report
10.A. Enrollment Report
10.B. Resignations
10.C. Operations Report
10.C.1. Facilities Project Update
10.D. Presentation of Diplomas for High School Graduation - Board Attendance
11. Action: Executive Session - Personnel (551.074)
11.A. Personnel (551.074)
11.A.1. Personnel - Contracts for Professional Personnel
11.A.2. Personnel - Discussion of Personnel
11.B. Security Personnel (551.076)
12. Reconvene Following Executive Session - Pursuant to Texas Government Code (551.001)
12.A. Discussion and Possible Approval of Items Discussed in Executive Session
12.A.1. Personnel - Contracts for Professional Personnel
12.A.2. Personnel - Discussion of Personnel
12.B. Security Personnel (551.076)
13. Consideration of Future Agenda Items
13.A. Next Regular Board Meeting - June 16, 2016
13.B. Junior High Graduation - June 2, 2016
13.C. High School Graduation - June 3, 2016 at 7:00 PM
14. Adjourn