August 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledges to the Flags
3. Public Comments
4. Correspondence
5. Superintendent and Principals Reports:
5.a. Finance
5.b. Student Transfer List
5.c. Para-professional Employment Report
5.d. Substitute List
5.e. Enrollment Update
5.f. Board Calendar
6. Consent Agenda
6.a. Monthly Financial Statements
6.a.1. Monthly Financial Statement
6.b. Cash/Investments
6.c. Board Report
6.d. Board Recap Report
6.e. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting
7. Items to Consider
7.a. Appraisers and Appraisal Calendar for 2021-2022
7.b. Consider Approval Student Code of Conduct for 2021-2022
7.c. Review Grading Guidelines for all Campuses
7.d. Consider Approval of Final Budget Amendment
7.e. Ordinance to set Tax Rate for 2021-2022
7.f. Consider and Possible Approval of the 2021-2022 Budget
7.g. Consider and Possible Approval of Vehicle, Property and Liability Insurance for 2021-2022
7.h. Consider Approval of TASB Policy Update 117 Affecting (LOCAL) Policies (see attached list)
7.i. First Reading of BF(LOCAL), EIA (LOCAL), EIC (LOCAL), DEC (LOCAL)
7.j. Consider and Possible Approval to increase the Adult Breakfast to $2.75 and Lunch to $4.25
7.k. Superintendent Goals 2021-2022
7.l. Consider Resolution Regarding Employee Extended Sick Leave During an Epidemic
8. Executive Session:
8.a. New Employment
8.b. Resignations
8.c. Personnel
9. Future Items
10. Adjournment