April 8, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Called Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order at 6:00 PM with announcement by the chair as to the presence of a quorum, that the meeting has been duly called and that notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law
Board Goal 1: Fort Bend ISD will provide an equitable learning environment that provides all students access to the FBISD curriculum
Update on District Development of Curriculum regarding Sugar Land 95 Discovery
Board Governance
Legislative Update
Audience participation regarding Action Items posted for this agenda
Convene in closed session under Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 under the following sections: 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law; section 551.072 - consider purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, section 551.074 - personnel matters, section 551.076 - security matters, section 551.082 - student discipline matter or complaint, or section 551.0821 - personally identifiable information about public school student
Reconvene in open session
Consider Action on Closed Session Items
Board Governance
Review proposed Board Self Evaluation Instrument
Review of the proposed Resolution of Acknowledgement Supporting the Nomination of Charles E. Dupre, Ed.D., as the Texas Association of School Boards 2019 Superintendent of the Year
Consideration and possible approval of a Resolution Supporting House Bill 4179 amending Texas Health and Safety Code relating to the authority of Fort Bend County to own and care for a historical cemetery
Board Governance
Review proposed revisions to local Board Policy
FM (Local): Student Activities
GF (Local): Public Complaints
Review minutes from previous meetings
February 11, 2019 Literacy Tour
February 11, 2019 Called Meeting and Agenda Review
February 18, 2019 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
February 18, 2019 Regular Board Meeting
February 20, 2019 Superintendent Formative Evaluation
Board Goal 1: Fort Bend ISD will provide an equitable learning environment that provides all students access to the FBISD curriculum
Review proposed Instructional Materials Allotment (IMA) and TEKS Certification for 2019-20
Review proposed purchases exceeding $50,000, specifically for:
Proclamation 2019 Instructional Resources Adoption
Board Goal 4: Fort Bend ISD will develop students’ social-emotional, academic, literacy, language, and life skills in a safe and secure Collaborative Community at every school
Review proposed Resolution authorizing the Superintendent to approve and submit the Federal Grant Application 3794101 for the FY2019 Victims of Crime ACT (VOCA) Formula Grant Program
Review proposed purchases exceeding $50,000, specifically for:
After School Enrichment and Related Items
Scalable Systems
Review proposed contract with ENGIE Services U.S. Inc./Way Service Ltd.
Review proposed revision of the waterline easement agreement with the City of Sugar Land for BP29 James Reese Career and Technical Center
Bond 2014 Program
Review proposed use of 2014 Bond Program Contingency as proposed
Review proposed contract with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for the supply and installation of a modular building with twelve (12) classrooms and supporting restrooms; and a Job Order Contract with E Contractors USA, LLC for renovations at Barrington Place ES to accommodate Meadows ES students and staff
Bond 2018 Program
Review proposed Schematic Design (SD) for 10-classroom addition at Madden Elementary School
Review proposed services agreement with Job Order Contractor (JOC) Jamail & Smith for the Flooring project (Package 032)
Review proposed purchases exceeding $50,000, specifically for:
Excess Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Theater Supplies, Equipment, and Related Items
Printing Services
Trucking Service and Trailer Rentals
Audience responses to Agenda Review Items posted for this meeting