July 17, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order at 6:00 PM with announcement by the chair as to the presence of a quorum, that the meeting has been duly called and that notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law
Pledge of Allegiance
Silent Invocation
Audience Items
Co-Teach/Collaborative Teaching Update - District Goal 1
Internal Audit Reports - Scalable Systems
Safety and Security
Bond Program Management Monitoring
Job Site Safety
Convene in closed session under Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 under the following sections: 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law; section 551.072 - consider purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, section 551.074 - personnel matters, section 551.076 - security matters, section 551.082 - student discipline matter or complaint, or section 551.0821 - personally identifiable information about public school student
551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law
551.074 - personnel matters
Deliberate Executive Director of Assessment and Accountability recommendation
Deliberate Director of Assessment and Accountability recommendation
Deliberate Director of Innovation and Continuous Improvement recommendation
Deliberate Director of Talent Acquisition recommendation
Deliberate delegation of authority to Superintendent to employ a District administrator in the event of a vacancy
Deliberate recommendation to approve the Resignation and Release Agreement between FBISD and a certified employee
Reconvene in open session
Consider Action on Closed Session Items
Board Members' Reports
Activity Report
Special Reports
Consent Agenda
All items under the Consent Agenda are acted upon by one motion. Upon a Board Member's request, any item on the Consent Agenda shall be moved to the Action portion of the regular agenda. |
Board Governance
Consider approval of a Legislative Resolution regarding the Special Session of the Texas Legislature
Constitutional Support of Public Schools
Teacher Compensation
School Finance Reform
Consider approval of minutes from previous meetings
June 12, 2017 Called Meeting and Budget Hearing
June 12, 2017 Called Meeting and Agenda Review
June 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting
Board Goal 1: Fort Bend ISD will provide an equitable learning environment that provides all students access to the FBISD curriculum
Consider approval of revisions to local Board policy, specifically:
Board Policy DBA (Local) - Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Credentials and Records
Board Policy DK (Local) - Assignment and Schedules
Agreements, Commitment Letters, Interlocal Agreements, and Memoranda of Understanding
Consider approval of authorized residential treatment service providers and day treatment service providers for 2017-18
Consider approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) services among Fort Bend ISD, Fort Bend County Juvenile Probation Board, Stafford MSD and Alief ISD
Board Goal 4: Fort Bend ISD will develop students’ social-emotional, academic, literacy, language, and life skills in a safe and secure Collaborative Community at every school
Agreements, Commitment Letters, Interlocal Agreements, and Memoranda of Understanding
Consider approval of renewal of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Texas State Technical College (TSTC) to continue to provide dual credit opportunities for district students in the automotive program
Consider approval of an agreement between Fort Bend ISD and BakerRipley to establish a full day Pre-Kindergarten program expansion at RMECC and the Education Complex
Consider approval of renewal for preventative student health services to be provided by The Fort Bend Regional Council on Substance Abuse, Inc. (FBRC)
Consider approval of donations exceeding $10,000
Consider approval of purchases exceeding $50,000, specifically for:
Aquatics Apparel, Equipment, and Related Items (Catalog)
Band and Orchestra Instruments, Equipment, and Related Items
Scalable Systems
2007 and 2014 Bond Programs
Consider approval of Madden Elementary Kindergarten Playground Relocation and Fabric Canopy Structure Installation
Consider approval of an amendment to AIA Contract A201-2007 for James Patterson Elementary School regarding partial occupancy
Consider approval of additional funding of $100,000 to Construction Contingency and $8,000 to Design Contingency at Goodman Elementary School
Consider approval of the use of 2014 Bond Program Contingency
Consider approval of an order authorizing the issuance of FBISD Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 and 2009
Consider approval of purchases exceeding $50,000, specifically for:
Special Education (SPED) Audio & Video Surveillance, Equipment, Services, and Related Items
Medicaid and Student & Health Related Services Billing Provider
Cisco Smartnet Products and Services
Digital Radios Airtime: Amendment to the pdvWireless, Inc. Contract
HVAC Maintenance, Parts and Repair Services
Replacement Roofing: Dulles High School Field House
Review Future Board Meeting Agenda Items