December 4, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Called Meeting and Agenda Review
Agenda |
Call to order
Public Comment
Curriculum Management Plan Update
1st Quarter Financial Report
Clements High School Schematic Design
Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Consideration and approval of the minutes of the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees meetings and/or public hearings on the following dates:
October 2, 2023 Called Meeting and Agenda Review
October 4, 2023 Special Called Meeting - Board Self Evaluation
October 12, 2023 Special Called Meeting - DIP/CIP Workshop
October 16, 2023 Regular Business Meeting
October 18, 2023 Special Called Meeting - Board Self Evaluation
Innovative Courses: Consideration and approval of TEA approved innovative courses for 2024-25 as required by EFBJ (Legal).
Fort Bend Central Appraisal District: Consideration and approval of a resolution casting the District's vote entitlement of 1,225 among candidates nominated to serve on the Board of Directors of the Fort Bend Central Appraisal District.
Kempner High School Cellular Tower Lease Agreement Amendments: Consideration and approval for two (2) amendments to the lease agreement with VB BTS II, LLC, successor by assignment to Eco-Site, LLC, for a cell tower at Kempner High School. Staff is seeking an extension of the Option period (currently expired as of August 2023) to extend such option through February 2024; and authorization for the Superintendent to execute the applicable agreement.
Water Meter Easement with City of Houston for Willowridge High School (PKG030): Consideration and approval of Water Meter Easement Agreements with the City of Houston at Willowridge High School, and authorization for the FBISD Board President to negotiate and execute these easements.
Purchasing Cooperative Memberships and Annual Management Fees: Consideration and approval of the report on Purchasing Cooperative Memberships and Annual Membership Fees.
2023-24 Co-Op Applications: Consideration and approval of Interlocal Agreements with eight (8) cooperative purchasing groups and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreements.
New Investment Pool: Consideration and approval of a new account at Texas Fixed Income Trust, a governmental investment pool.
Review of proposed expenses that exceed $50,000: Specifically for:
Band Uniforms - Kempner High School: Consideration and approval for the purchase of band uniforms and related items from Stanbury Uniforms LLC, under a cooperative contract with BuyBoard cooperative in an amount not to exceed $108,900 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through May 2025.
Fine Arts Semi-Trailers: Consideration and approval for the purchase of Semi-Trailers from Stadium Creations, LLC, under a cooperative contract with BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative in an amount not to exceed $1,050,000 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through August 2026.
PKG022 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) for Rosa Parks Elementary: Consideration and approval to include Rosa Parks Elementary School into Bond 2018 PKG022 - Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E), in order to provide new furniture, fixtures and equipment to complete a partial refurbishment based on the current Elementary Facility Educational Specifications Standards.
Professional Services Phase 4: Consideration and approval of Phase 4 - Professional Services firms to provide both Bond 2023 services for a not-to-exceed amount of $7,000,000 and non-bond services for a not-to-exceed amount of $2,000,000, and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the contracts with the identified firms.
District-Wide Security Guard Services and Related Services: Consideration and approval to add additional vendors and increase the existing contract awarded under 20-051AR District-Wide Security Guard Services & Related Items by $2,500,000 for a total not to exceed amount of $3,560,000 to continue purchasing District-Wide Security Guard Services & Related Items and for authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through January 2025.
Intercoms, Fire Alarm Systems, Public Announcement Sound Systems, Digital Clock Repairs, Speakers, and Related Services (Increase): Consideration and approval to increase the existing contract awarded under 22-066AR Intercoms, Fire Alarm Systems, Public Announcement Sound Systems, Digital Clock Repairs, Speakers, and Related Services by $960,000 for a total note to exceed the amount of $1,320,000 through April 2027.
Convene in closed session under Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 under the following sections: 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law; Section 551.072 - Consider purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, Section 551.074 - Personnel matters, Section 551.076 - Security matters, Section 551.082 - Student discipline matter or complaint, or Section 551.0821 - Personally identifiable information about public school student
Consideration and approval of Superintendent's Voluntary Retirement Agreement
Deliberate appointment of Acting Superintendent
Consideration and approval of appointment of Acting Superintendent and stipend contract for serving as Acting Superintendent
Reconvene in Open Session
Consider Action on Closed Session Items