January 17, 2022 at 6:45 PM - Public Hearing/Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Public Hearing
2.A. District of Innovation
Dr. John White, Assistant Superintendent for Leadership & Learning
3. Regular Board Meeting in Session
4. Public Open Forum
5. Recognition
5.A. School Board Appreciation Month
Mrs. Janice Sykora, TMISD Interim Superintendent
6. Discussion / Action Agenda
6.A. Discuss and Consider current District Education Improvement Committee (DEIC) membership to serve as the District of Innovation (DOI) planning committee
Dr. John White, Assistant Superintendent for Leadership & Learning
6.B. Discuss and Consider Out of State Field Trip Request from TM High School, Thespian Society to Bloomington, Indiana, June 20-24, 2022
Mr. Gabe Alavardo, TM High School Principal
6.C. Discuss and Consider First Reading of TASB Policy Update 118 (LOCAL)
Mrs. Janice Sykora, TMISD Interim Superintendent
6.D. Discuss and Consider options for filling the Place 4 Board of Trustee Vacancy
Mr. Paul Mostella, TMISD Board President
6.E. Report: COVID-19 Update
Ms. Ana Elizondo, Director of Staff Services
6.F. Discuss and Consider Resolution Adopting the District Investment Policy and Strategy
Mr. Philip Carroll, Business Manager
6.G. Discuss and Consider Resolutions (1) Approving Investment Training and Investment Pool Options; (2) Adopting Authorized Broker/Dealer List
Mr. Philip Carroll, Business Manager
7. Consent Agenda - Discussion / Action
7.A. Check Payment Registers
7.B. Financials
7.C. Quarterly Investment Report
7.D. Tax Collection Report
7.E. Enrollment Report
7.F. Minutes of Regular Board Meetings
8. Closed Session
8.A. Discuss employment of Certified/Non-Certified Personnel (551.074)
8.B. Discuss Employee Resignations and possible SBEC Notification
9. Action After Closed Session
9.A. Discuss and consider employment of Certified/Non-certified Personnel (551.074)
9.B. Discuss and consider Employee Resignations and possible SBEC Notification
10. Adjournment