November 15, 2021 at 6:45 PM - Public Hearing: School FIRST 6:45p.m./Regular Meeting: 7:00p.m.
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Public Hearing-School FIRST
3. Regular Board Meeting in Session
4. Public Open Forum
5. Recognition
Mrs. Janice Sykora, TMISD Interim Superintendent
5.A. Recognition of Veterans
Mrs. Janice Sykora, TMISD Interim Superintendent
6. Discussion / Action Agenda
6.A. Presentation: "Campus Showcase" TM Middle School 6th thru 8th, Melanie Arias, Principal
Mrs. Melanie Arias, TM Middle School Principal
6.B. Report: Library and Reading Interest Inventory
Ms. Holly Alderson, Director of Educational Services
6.C. Public Notice: TCLAS Grant Application
Ms. Holly Alderson, Director of Educational Services
6.D. Report: District of Innovation
Dr. John White, Assistant Superintendent for Leadership & Learning
6.E. Report: New Grading Guidelines for Secondary Campuses (TMHS & TMMS)
Mr. Gabe Alavardo, TM High School Principal
6.F. Discuss and Consider the Approval of School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Members
Mr. Patrick Hernandez, Assistant Superintendent for District Operations
6.G. Discuss and Consider 2022-2023 Academic Calendar
Ms. Holly Alderson, Director of Educational Services
6.H. Discuss and Consider approval of T-TESS Appraisers
Ms. Ana Elizondo, Director of Staff Services
6.I. Discuss and Consider Board Goals
Ms. Holly Alderson, Director of Educational Services
6.I.1. Early Education
Ms. Laura Davila, TM Primary Principal
6.I.2. College Career Military Readiness (CCMR)
Dr. John White, Assistant Superintendent for Leadership & Learning
6.J. Discuss and Consider Board Operating Procedures
Mrs. Janice Sykora, TMISD Interim Superintendent
6.K. Discuss and Consider Utilizing Certified Agendas as a Record for Recording Closed Session (BEC LEGAL)
Mrs. Janice Sykora, TMISD Interim Superintendent
6.L. Discuss and Consider Superintendent Search Process and Search Firms
Mr. Paul Mostella, TMISD Board President
7. Consent Agenda - Discussion / Action
7.A. Check Payment Registers
7.B. Financials
7.C. Enrollment Report
7.D. Tax Collection Report
7.E. Minutes of Regular & Special Called Board Meeting(s)
8. Closed Session
8.A. Discuss employment of Certified/Non-Certified Personnel (551.074)
8.B. Discuss Employee Resignations
8.C. Discuss Interim Superintendent contract, roles and responsibilities
8.D. Discuss Board Self-Evaluation 39.030(a)
9. Action After Closed Session
9.A. Discuss and Consider Employment Contracts of Certified/Non-Certified Personnel (551.074)
9.B. Discuss Employee Resignations
9.C. Discuss and Consider Interim Superintendent Contract, Roles and Responsibilities
9.D. Discuss and Consider Board Self-Evaluation 39.030(a)
10. Adjournment