August 30, 2021 at 6:45 PM - Public Hearing: Budget and Tax Rate 6:45p.m./Regular Meeting: 7:00p.m.
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Public Hearing 2021-2022 Budget and Tax Rate
Mr. Philip Carroll, Business Manager
3. Regular Board Meeting in Session
4. Public Open Forum
5. Discussion / Action Agenda
5.A. Discuss and Consider Approval of 2020-2021 budget amendments
Mr. Philip Carroll, Business Manager
5.B. Discuss and Consider Authorization for Superintendent/Business Manager to make End-of Year Budget Amendments/Adjustments Not to Exceed $35,000 to Close-Out the 2020-2021 Budget
Mr. Philip Carroll, Business Manager
5.C. Discuss and Consider Adoption of Legally Required Budgets (General Fund, Debt Service & Food Service) by Major Revenue and Function Category for 2021-2022
Mr. Philip Carroll, Business Manager
5.D. Adopt RESOLUTION to Levy Tax Rate for 2021-2022
Mr. Philip Carroll, Business Manager
5.E. Report-PowerSchool, the new student and learning system
Ms. Trish Panknin, Director of Technology and Digital Learning
6. Closed Session
6.A. Board discusses the employment of Certified/Non-Certified Personnel (551.074)
6.B. Employment Issues and Concerns (551.074)
7. Action After Closed Session
7.A. Action resulting from Board discussion for employment contracts of Certified/Non-Certified Personnel (551.074)
7.B. Employment Issues and Concerns (551.074)
8. Adjournment