December 17, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting and Public Hearing: Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) Report
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Roll Call
2. Verification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law - this is to certify that the provisions of Section 551.001 of the Texas Government code have been met in connection with public notice of this meeting.
3. Moment of Silence
4. Pledge to the US Flag and Texas Flag
4.A. Alamo Junior High
4.A.1. Principal Courtney Miller
4.A.1.a. Pledge Leaders: Andrew Groves and Jessie Westphalen
4.B. Vision of Midland ISD - Educating the Future with Excellence
4.C. Mission of Midland ISD - All Students will Graduate College, Career, or Military Ready
5. Public Forum
6. Public Hearing
6.A. Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) Report
Presenter: Tucker Durham
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
7.B. Approval of Monthly Financials
7.C. Approval of T-TESS Appraisers
7.D. Approval of T-TESS 2nd Appraisers List Amendments
7.E. Approval of Designation of Alternate Approver for TEASE/TEAL
7.F. Approval of 2025 MISD Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) Calendar
8. Superintendent's Update
Presenter: Dr. Stephanie Howard
9. District Informational Reports
9.A. Bond 2023 Monthly Report
Presenter: Cortney Smith
9.B. Review of the 2025-2026 Budget Preparation Timeline and Priorities
Presenters: Dr. Stephanie Howard & Tucker Durham
10. Action Items
10.A. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Renewal of Senate Bill 1882 Partnership Third Future Schools-Texas at Sam Houston Collegiate Preparatory Elementary
Presenter: Roberto Cedillo
10.B. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Budget Amendment #5
Presenter: Tucker Durham
10.C. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Amendment to Request for Proposal (RFP) 23-321 On-Call Electrical Maintenance Services and Supplies
Presenter: Cortney Smith & Tucker Durham
10.D. Discussion of and Request for Approval to Hire the Chief of Human Capital
Presenter: Dr. Stephanie Howard
10.E. Discussion of and Request for Approval to Hire Principal for Parker Elementary
Presenter: Roy Garcia
11. Information Items
11.A. Board Committee Monthly Report
11.B. Reportable Purchase Orders Over $100,000
11.C. Human Capital Monthly Report
12. Possible Adjournment to closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 551.001 et. seq.
Section 551.071 - Consultation with the Board’s attorney. Section 551.074 - Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. |
13. Action Arising from Closed Session
14. Adjourn