August 4, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1 Opening Items
1A Call to Order
1B Announcement by the Chairman that a quorum is present and that the notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law.
1C Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, and Welcome of Visitors
2 Consent Items
2A Minutes of July 07, 2008; July 14, 2008; and July 16, 2008
2B 2008-2009 PDAS Appraisers
2C 2008-2009 PDAS Appraisal Calendar
2D Extended Sick Leave Request(s)
3 Non-Action Items
3A Hearing of Students, Employees, and Citizens. (As per Policy BED (Local) no presentation shall exceed five minutes. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board. The Board reserves the right to hear complaints involving District employees in closed session for a period not to exceed 20 minutes).
4 Action Items
4A 2008-2009 Proposed Lunch and Breakfast Prices
4B Approve Ellen Brooks West Library Board Member Positions
5 Discussion and Possible Action Items
5A Architect/Construction Manager Report(s)
5A1) Approve Bids on Metal Building Foundations at North Forney High School
5B TASB Delegate Selection Revision
5C Consider Approval of Pizza Bids
5D Consider Approval of Energy Management Conservation Policy
5E Consider Approval of Utility Easement for Mason Boulevard
5F Consider Purchase of Vehicle for SRO Services
5G Consider Purchase of Education 2020 at Forney High School and DAEP for Credit Recovery
6 Informational Items
6A Quarterly Financial Reports
6B Forney ISD Accountability Ratings
6C TASB Policy Update #83, Affecting Local Policies
6D 2008-2009 Preliminary Budget
7 Executive Session
7A Personnel - 551.074
7A1) Employment of Professional Contract Personnel - 551.074
7B Future School Sites - 551.072
8 Announcements and Adjournment
8A Future Board Meetings
8A1) Monday, August 25, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. - Budget and Tax Rate Hearing
8A2) Monday, September 8, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting