January 23, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Certify Notice/Establish Quorum
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Recognize Athens High School AP Scholar Students
V. Recognize January Teachers / Employees of the Month
VI. Recognition of School Board Members
VII. Athens ISD United Way Participation
VIII. Information Items
VIII.A. Administrative Reports
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Consider Expenditures Over $25,000
IX.A.1. [1.2,5.2.1] Purchase of iPads for all Prekindergarten Classrooms
IX.B. [4.1] Consider Revising Awards for Construction of Athens ISD Field House and Stadium Renovations Specific Scopes of Work
IX.C. [4.1] Consideration of Awards for Construction of Athens High School, Bel Air Elementary, Central Athens Elementary, South Athens Elementary Additions and Renovations for Athens ISD
IX.D. [4.1] Consider Granting Superintendent Authority to Approve Construction Contracts and Change Orders
X. Consent Agenda
X.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held on December 15, 2016 and the Special Meetings Held on January 9, 2017 and January 18, 2017
X.B. Financial Statements for the Month of December 2016
X.C. Quarterly Investment Report
X.D. Order Board of Trustee Election for May 6, 2017 to fill the expired terms of Mr. Steve McElhany, Place 1 and Mrs. Alicia Elliott, Place 2
XI. Executive Session Discussion
XI.A. Employment / Resignations of Contract Employees
XII. Executive Session Action
XIII. Audience Participation
XIV. Adjourn