August 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Certify Notice/Establish Quorum
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Audience Participation - Anyone wishing to make a comment to the Board about an agenda item must email by 5:30 p.m. on August 24. Comments will be read aloud by the Board President at this time on the agenda.
V. Special Employee Recognition
VI. 2020 Tax Rate Hearing
VII. Information/Discussion Items
VII.A. Administrative Report - Beginning of School Year 2020-2021; COVID-19 Related Issues
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Consider Adoption of 2020 Tax Rate
VIII.B. Consider Renewal of Athens ISD's Participation in the Texas Rural Education Association Risk Management Cooperative for 2020-2021
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting Held on July 27, 2020 and Special (Emergency) Meeting Held on July 29, 2020 and Special (Emergency) Meeting Held on August 4, 2020
IX.B. Financial Statements for the Month of July 2020
IX.C. Approve Tax Appraisal Roll
IX.D. Consider TASB Unemployment Compensation Program for October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021
IX.E. Consider Revision to the 2020-2021 Appraisal Calendar
IX.F. Approve Agreement with Anderson County Elections Division to Conduct Athens ISD Trustee Election on November 3, 2020 for the AISD Voters in Anderson County
IX.G. Approve Agreement with Van Zandt County Elections Division to Conduct Athens ISD Trustee Election on November 3, 2020 for the AISD Voters in Van Zandt County
X. Executive Session Discussion
X.A. Employment/Resignations of Contract Employees - Texas Gov't Code 551.074
XI. Executive Session Action
XII. Adjourn