September 27, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order, roll call and declaration of quorum.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Public Forum: Affording members of the public to address the board on issues not related to individual personnel concerns. Citizens are offered an opportunity to address the Board without prior approval. Presentations shall be informative only. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board. The Board requests that presentations not include statements that may be considered defamatory. Presenter(s) should conduct their selves with common courtesy and in a respectful manner. In accordance with State law and District policy, disruptive conduct must be avoided so as not to interfere with the meeting. If a presentation includes a complaint against an employee of the District, proper channels set out in District policy to seek resolution before bringing the matter to the Board should be exhausted. The Board shall not tolerate disruption of the meeting by members of the audience. If, after at least one warning from the presiding officer, any person continues to disrupt the meeting by his or her words or actions, the presiding officer shall request assistance from law enforcement officials to have the person removed from the meeting.
4. Reports.
4.A. Financial Report.
4.B. Report on changes to election laws from legal counsel.
5. Consent Agenda.
5.A. Approval of minutes from previous board meetings: August 9, 19, 29, 30, and September 6, 2011.
5.B. Approval of District Safety and Security Audit Report.
5.C. Acceptance of 2011 Frio County Appraisal Roll of Pearsall ISD.
5.D. Approve Resolution for Frio County 4-H Organization be sanctioned as an extracurricular activity.
6. Action Item(s).
6.A. Budget Amendments.
7. Closed Session.
7.A. Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code, discussion and interview with Candidate(s) for Superintendent Vacancy.
8. Reconvene/Action After Closed Session.
8.A. The board may take appropriate action regarding the possible announcement of sole finalist for the position of Superintendent of Schools of Pearsall ISD.
9. Adjournment.