December 13, 2005 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition.
4. Public Forum: Affording members of the public to address the Board on issues not related to individual personnel concerns.
5. Approve and/or Correct Minutes from Previous Board Meeting(s): November 15, 2005.
6. Consent Agenda.
6.A. Financial Information
6.B. Budget Amendments
7. New Business.
7.A. Discussion/Action on Appointment of Pearsall ISD Representative to FCAD Board of Directors
7.B. Discussion/Action on Possible School Bond Election
8. Policy.
8.A. Discussion/Action on Policy BE (LOCAL): Board Meetings-Second Reading
9. Superintendent's Agenda.
9.A. Upcoming Holiday Dates
9.B. Upcoming Early Out/Teacher Workday Dates
9.C. Upcoming Date(s) for Board Meeting(s)
9.D. Staff Development/Stock Show Date
10. Closed Session.
10.A. Consider and Discuss Personnel Recommendations for New Hires
11. Reconvene/Action After Closed Session.
11.A. The board may take appropriate action regarding personnel recommendations for new hires.
12. Adjournment.