October 3, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Reflection and Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Welcome Visitors
2.A. Teachers of the Nine Weeks
2.A.(1) Blair Elementary - Sur Won Cha-Kim
2.A.(2) Blanton Elementary - Liz Devito
2.A.(3) Carrollton Elementary - Marilyn Hall
2.A.(4) Central Elementary - Alicia Arizmendi
2.A.(5) Country Place Elementary - Makenzie Reece
2.A.(6) Davis Elementary - Jenna Jones
2.A.(7) Farmers Branch Elementary - Dolly Viera
2.A.(8) Freeman Elementary - Ashley Martin
2.A.(9) Furneaux Elementary - Savannah Stephens
2.A.(10) Good Elementary - Delicia Langford
2.A.(11) Kent Elementary - Nicole Pryor
2.A.(12) Landry Elementary - Mitzi Thompson
2.A.(13) Las Colinas Elementary - Ashley Olivas
2.A.(14) La Villita Elementary - Sarah Rayas
2.A.(15) McCoy Elementary - Kathy Everett
2.A.(16) McKamy Elementary - Christa Schmidt
2.A.(17) McLaughlin Strickland Elementary - Tammi Nincehelser
2.A.(18) McWhorter Elementary - Astrid Linke
2.A.(19) Rainwater Elementary - Katelyn Ford
2.A.(20) Riverchase Elementary - Jeff Heine
2.A.(21) Rosemeade Elementary - Christen Packard
2.A.(22) Stark Elementary - Irving Alcantara
2.A.(23) Thompson Elementary - Erin Harvey
2.A.(24) Ranchview High School - Jenny Schero
2.B.(1) CFB Way
2.B.(2) Update from PTA
4.A. Consider Approval of Out of State Student Field Trips
Background: In accordance with Policy FMG (LOCAL), students may be permitted to take out-of-state school sponsored trips. The current proposed trips are: 1. Blalack 8th Graders to New York, NY, May 21-25, 2020, for 8th Grade Trip 2. Creekview Dance/Moving Ground Dance Company to Pittsburgh, PA, Feb. 26 - March 1, 2020, for National High School Dance Festival 3. Newman Smith Gallery in Motion Dance Company to New York, NY, Dec. 13 - 16, 2019, for Suite Sunday 4. Newman Smith Gallery in Motion Dance Company to Pittsburgh, PA, Feb. 26 - March 1, 2020, for National High School Dance Festival Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the out-of-state travel requests as presented.
4.B. Consider Approval of the Election of Personnel
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses, and other designated employees under a probationary or term contract. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the employment of the individuals as indicated on the list provided.
4.C. Consider Approval of Financial Reports
Background: The monthly financial reports presented to the Board for consideration will include budget amendments (when applicable), budget summary year to date reports, construction summary report, outstanding investments, and tax office reports. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the financial reports for August 2019.
4.D. Consider Approval of the Purchasing Report for the Period of August 1 through August 31, 2019
Background: The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued over $25,000 but not exceeding $50,000 that have been made from August 1 through August 31, 2019. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the Purchasing Report as presented.
4.E. Consider the 2018 Annual Tax Collection Reports
Background: In accordance with Section 31.10(b) of the Texas Tax Code, the District submits an annual tax report to the Board of Trustees. The current summary includes collections from September 1, 2018, through August 31, 2019. The District Tax Assessor, Anna Brady, will submit the 2018 Annual Tax Collection Report that contain items such as ISD collections, CED collections, Ag Rollback collections, interest, late penalties, late renditions, late Freeport penalties, tax certificates and bad check charges. The report will satisfy the statutory requirement identified by the Texas Property Tax Code. Section 31.10(b) The collector for a taxing unit shall prepare and submit to the governing body of the unit an annual report made under oath accounting for all taxes of the unit collected or delinquent on property taxed by the unit during the preceding 12-month period. Annual reports are due on the 60th day following the last day of the fiscal year. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the annual tax collection report as presented.
4.F. Consider All Matters Related to the 2019 Appraisal Roll Including Approval of the Calculated Roll
Background: In accordance with Texas Tax Code Section 26.09(e), the District submits the 2019 appraisal roll summary calculating the total levy based upon the adopted tax rate. The District Tax Assessor, Anna Brady, will perform the following: 1. Calculate the tax imposed on each property included on the appraisal roll; 2. Enter the amount of tax in the appraisal roll; 3. Submit the information to the school board for approval. Section 26.09(e) The assessor shall enter the amount of tax determined as provided by this section in the appraisal roll and submit it to the governing body of the unit for approval. The appraisal roll with amounts of tax entered as approved by the governing body constitutes the unit's tax roll. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the tax roll for the 2019 tax year.
4.G. Consider Declaration of Construction Delivery Method and Evaluation Criteria for Athletic Improvements, Including Approval of Evaluation Criteria and Relative Weight of Each Criteria, and Delegation of Authority to Receive and Evaluate Proposals
Background: Improvements to athletic facilities at each high school campus have been identified as a district priority. Improvements include conversion of grass fields with artificial turf for football, baseball and softball fields for each of the four high schools. The first step in the process is to obtain Board approval for the construction delivery method that provides the best value to this district. Administration recommends the District employ the Design Build Method, Two-Step process, as the Construction Delivery Method, as well as approval of the Evaluation Criteria and Relative Weight of each Criterion, with the Delegation of Authority to fully review, evaluate and rank proposals, negotiate a Contract and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that this delegation of authority be made to the Associate Superintendent for Business Services and/or no more than four (4) other committee members as appointed by the Associate Superintendent for Business Services to evaluate qualification statements for athletic improvements to high school campuses as described above.
4.H. Consider All Matters Related to the Nomination of Candidates for the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors
Background: As outlined in Property Tax Code Section 6.03, election or appointment of members to the Board of Directors of an appraisal district must be conducted in odd numbered years. The term of office is two years, beginning in even numbered years. For Denton, each jurisdiction may nominate up to five people by written resolution to be considered for the Board of Directors. The District is not required to make a nomination. Eligibility Criteria are: 1) Must be a resident of the Appraisal District for at least two years prior to the election 2) May be an elected official of an agency represented by the appraisal district 3) Cannot be an employee of an agency represented by the appraisal district 4) Cannot be related within the second degree by consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code, to an individual who is engaged in the business of appraising property for compensation for use in proceedings under this title or of representing property owners for compensation in proceedings under this title in the appraisal district. 5) Cannot own property on which delinquent taxes have been owed to a taxing unit for more than 60 days after the date the individual knew or should have known of the delinquency unless: a) The delinquent taxes and any penalties and interest are being paid under an installment payment agreement under Section 33.02; or b) A suit to collect the delinquent taxes is deferred or abated under Section 33.06 or 33.065. 6) An individual is ineligible to serve on an appraisal district board of directors if the individual has engaged in the business of appraising property for compensation for use in proceedings under this title or of representing property owners for compensation in proceedings under this title in the appraisal district at any time during the preceding five years. A comprehensive list of all nominees will be compiled and this information will be sent to the taxing jurisdictions in the form of a ballot. By October 1, each jurisdiction will be advised of the number of votes they are entitled to cast for board members. By December 15th, each jurisdiction must submit by written resolution how they cast their votes. The five candidates that receive the most votes will become the Board of Directors as of January 1st. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the nomination of candidate for Denton County Central Appraisal District, as presented.
4.I. Consider All Matters Related to the Nomination of a Candidate for the Dallas Central Appraisal District Board of Directors
Background: The same eligibility criteria applies for Dallas Central Appraisal District as Denton County, however members are appointed and elected slightly different. The following procedures were adopted for the election or appointment of board members to Dallas Central Appraisal District: A.) The City of Dallas will be entitled to appoint one member. B.) The Dallas Independent School District will be entitled to appoint one member. C.) The Dallas County Commissioners Court may appoint one member. D.) Each city or town, except the City of Dallas, shall have the right to nominate one candidate to be the fourth member of the board. The said cities and towns shall elect one member by majority vote, with each entity receiving one vote. E.) Each independent school district, including the Dallas County Community College and excluding DISD, shall have the right to nominate one candidate to be the fifth member of the board. The said school districts shall elect one member by majority vote, with each entity receiving one vote. By October 30th, each entity will receive a ballot to cast their vote. Each entity entitled to vote will do so by official resolution and return to the appraisal district no later than December 16th. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the nominations of candidate for Dallas Central Appraisal District as presented.
4.J. Consider Exercising the Extension Option of RFP 17-08-101-3 for Student Nutrition - Annual Kitchen Services
Background: This is an exclusive agreement to provide cleanings of the vent-a-hoods in all kitchens throughout CFBISD. This service is required to comply with health codes in the various municipalities in which CFBISD facilities are located. A schedule of cleanings is developed for each facility and is based on the number of vent-a-hoods at each kitchen. Hood cleanings are done in June of each year because the chemicals used for the cleaning cannot be used during food preparation. This is the first of three renewal options for this agreement. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend RFP 17-08-101-3 For Student Nutrition - Annual Kitchen Services for the first one-year extension term with the recommended vendor and authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.K. Consider Exercising the Extension Option of RFP 17-08-151-3 For Student Nutrition – Kitchen Equipment Purchases, Repair Services, and Parts
Background: This is a non-exclusive agreement with multiple vendors that allow for the purchase of new kitchen equipment, parts, and repair services of existing equipment at kitchens throughout the District. Competitive quotes are requested of vendors awarded under this agreement to provide current pricing and obtain the best value for purchase of equipment or parts needed to repair equipment. This is the first complete year for RFP 17-08-151-3. Previous purchases for this category of expenditures were made through various cooperative contracts available to CFBISD. This is the first of three extension options for this agreement. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 17-08-151-3 For Student Nutrition – Kitchen Equipment Purchases, Repair Services, and Parts for the first one-year extension term with the recommended vendors and authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.L. Consider Exercising the Extension Option of RFP 2018-08-001 for Paperback and Hardback Books
Background: This is a non-exclusive agreement that allows campuses and departments the ability to purchase reading material on an as-needed basis to support the instructional effort and meet TEKS requirements for reading. Multiple vendors will be awarded under this agreement, which is a multi-year arrangement to make repeated purchases for use in the classroom. The pricing under this agreement will be a discount off of a list price or catalog, depending on how vendors price their products to CFBISD. Reading materials will be available in various formats, such as paperback, hardback, digital and on Compact Disc (CD). Bids were due for this on September 6, 2018, and will be a multi-year agreement to be good for one year with four one year renewal options. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the award of RFP 2018-08-001 For Paperback and Hardback Books for the initial one-year term with the recommended vendors and authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.M. Consider a Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent of Schools to Request an Exception to Texas Education Code Section 25.112(d) – Class Size (22 Students Per Class for Grades K-4)
Background: According to TEA Code 25.112(d), a district must review any class for grades K-4 that exceeds the allowable class size limit of 22 students per class (22:1), and the district must submit a request for an exception. The District is requesting an exception for elementary classes (K-4) that exceed the 22 students per class size limit (22:1). A list of elementary campuses and classes currently exceeding this limit will be presented on October 4th. The number of K-4 classes that are in compliance (22:1) far exceeds the number of class size exceptions the District is requesting. The number fluctuates weekly as enrollment settles. The district requested 59 waivers in 2011-12, 77 waivers in 2012-13, 59 waivers in 2013-14, 28 waivers in 2014-15, 0 waivers in 2015-16, 12 waivers in 2016-17 and 10 waivers in 2017-18. The District is required to get board approval for the waivers and submit a waiver request to the Texas Education Agency. The District is also required to submit a plan to TEA for bringing the affected sections within the 22:1 ratio. In addition, each campus receiving a waiver is required to send a notice to the parents or guardians of every student in the affected class sections. The Personnel Department also works closely with administrators to provide the support necessary to assure that schools are meeting the educational needs of each student. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the resolution to authorize staff to take all necessary steps to apply for the maximum class size exception for the class sections identified in the presented document.
4.N. Consider Purchase of Texas School Procedures Annual Website Subscription
Background: Texas School Procedures Annual Website Subscription grants the District access to protocols, procedures and documents that provides support in the following areas: Campus Operations, District Operations, Counseling, Nursing, Personnel/Human Resources, and Student Support. This site provides robust tools and documentation that can be used to: 1. Ensure compliance with Texas and federal laws, school board policies, and best practices through use of developed protocols and electronic resources (i.e. documents, letters, notifications, postings, resources and scripts) to implement all protocols. 2. Focus on campus operations and support programs to meet student needs through research-based best practices. 3. Empower and protect districts and administrators in critical decision making within the legal structure of the Texas Education Code and Texas Administrative Code and providing regular updates. 4. Provide home letters and documents in both English and Spanish versions. This purchase will provide a District license to be used by all campuses and departments at an annual cost of $51,196.00 at $2.00 per student based on the October 2018 PEIMS enrollment snapshot. This subscription will be for one year starting October 4, 2019 through October 3, 2020. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of the Texas School Procedures annual website subscription.
4.O. Consider Purchase of Chromebooks for One-to-One Initiative
Background: Due to the attrition within our current Chromebook inventory, as well as some increases in enrollment at the middle school level, current quantities on hand are insufficient to meet our standard of 1 Chromebook per student (1:1). The Technology Department is requesting approval to purchase additional Chromebooks for student use to support this initiative and maintain a level of replacement Chromebooks to issue in the event of repairs or replacement. In order to take advantage of volume purchasing discounts, an additional 100 units will be combined with the planned purchase of replacement units to carry us through most of the 2019-2020 school year. This combined purchase of 750 units at $244.02/unit will total $183,015. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of Chromebooks from Office Depot and authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute contracts for such purchases in the best interest of the District.
4.P. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the September 5, 2019 Board of Trustees Pre-Meeting
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the September 5, 2019 Board of Trustees Pre-Meeting.
4.Q. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the September 5, 2019 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the September 5, 2019 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting.
4.R. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the September 9, 2019 Board of Trustees Training Meeting
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the September 9, 2019 Board of Trustees Training Meeting.
5.A. Items Removed From Consent
5.B. Consider RFP 2019-05-009 for Web Redesign and Web Hosting Services
Background: This Request for Proposal was issued on behalf of a joint request by the Strategic Communications and Technology Departments. The purpose of this purchase is to procure the services of a qualified firm to redesign the District’s website from its current design to more user friendly in locating information contained on it. This purchase will include a Content Management Systems to enable CFBISD users to create, edit and update content to multiple pages contained or emanated from the redesigned site. The cost of this purchase includes all needed training and support and design services needed to complete this redesign. In addition to website redesign services, pricing was requested to provide web hosting services for the district’s website. The objective is to award a single vendor to provide both redesign and web hosting services, if favorable pricing is obtained through this process. Due to the migration of the Network Operations Center (NOC) from the current TLC to the Multi-Purpose Facility in Las Colinas, eliminating the need to include servers to host this site at the district level could achieve a considerable savings, as well as providing security of the District’s website content. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase for web re-design and web hosting services with the recommended vendor as presented.