November 1, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Welcome Visitors
2.A. Teachers of the Nine Weeks
2.A.(1) Blalack Middle School, Matthew Smith
2.A.(2) Bush Middle School, Lindsey Burchfield
2.A.(3) Creekview High School, Shane DePaul
2.A.(4) Early College High School, Shelmadine Straughan
2.A.(5) Field Middle School, Ashley Davidson
2.A.(6) Grimes Education Center, Mandi Pairish
2.A.(7) Long Middle School, Beth Lux
2.A.(8) Perry Middle School, Temple Creamer-Gonzalez
2.A.(9) Polk Middle School, Richard Hyde
2.A.(10) Salazar Alternative Education Center, Doug Luse
2.A.(11) Smith High School, Chasity Henson
2.A.(12) Turner High School, Bryan Henning
2.B. Employees of the Nine Weeks
2.B.(1) Operations and Maintenance/Transportation, Maria Kay
2.B.(2) Student Nutrition, Mona Nowlin
2.C. Texas Dance Educators Association Teacher of the Year, Ronnelle Eddings
2.D. District Announcements
4.A. Election of Personnel
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses, and other designated employees under a probationary or term contract. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the employment of the individuals as indicated on the list provided.
4.B. Consider Approval of Out-of-state Travel Requests For Carrollton-Farmers Branch Students to Travel Out-of-state
Background: In accordance with Policy FMG (LOCAL), students may be permitted to take out-of-state school-sponsored trips for the following purposes: 1. Instructional purposes (field trips and excursions). 2. Activities of school-sponsored or – sanctioned clubs or organizations. 3. Other sanctioned competitions. The Board will consider the following proposed trips: 1. Blalack 8th Graders to New York, NY, May 23-26, 2019, for 8th Grade Trip 2. Creekview DECA to Orlando, FL, April 27-30, 2019, for International Career and Development Conference (ICDC) 3. Creekview Speech to Omaha, NE, May 9-12, 2019, for National Individual Tournament of Champions (NIETOC) 4. Creekview Spanish to Spain, June 9-18, 2020, for travel abroad for cultural enrichment to further promote second language values 5. Creekview Spanish to Costa Rica, June 23 - July 2, 2020, for travel abroad for cultural enrichment to further promote second language values 6. Newman Smith International Business Academy (IBA) to San Francisco, CA, November 13-16, 2018, for Junior Trip 7. Newman Smith International Business Academy (IBA) to Stillwater and Tulsa, OK, Jan. 31 - Feb. 1, 2019, for college visits to Oklahoma State University and Oral Roberts University 8. Newman Smith Cheer to Orlando, FL, Feb. 8-10, 2019, for National High School Cheerleading Championship 9. Newman Smith Homestay Program to Guri City, South Korea, March 5-17, 2019, for reciprocal Homestay visit with peers in Guri City 10. Newman Smith International Business Academy (IBA) to Spain, France, and Italy, Spring Break 2019, for IBA Senior Trip 11. Newman Smith DECA to Orlando, FL, April 27-30, 2019, for International Career and Development Conference (ICDC) 12. Newman Smith Choir to Orlando, FL, June 3-7, 2019, for Spring Choir Trip 13. R.L. Turner English Department to Ireland, March 7-14, 2019, for Annual Spring Break Educational Travel 14. R.L. Turner Vet Med II to Stillwater, OK, Feb. 20, 2019, for OSU Vet School Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the out-of-state travel requests as presented.
4.C. Consider Approval of the District Improvement Plan and Campus Improvement Plans
Background: The District Plan and Campus Plans are aligned to the goal of high achievement for each student and are guided by the four guiding objectives: continuously improve student learning, continuously improve the learning environment, continuously improve operational effectiveness, and continuously improve community support. The District Plan is structured as a three-year plan revised annually by the District Improvement Council and approved annually by the Board of Trustees. The Campus Plan is an annual plan for 2018-19 aligned to the District Plan. In pre-meeting, the District Improvement Council (DIC) Chair, Mie Williams, will share the overarching structure of the DIC and the strategic plan, and District personnel will share major improvement strategies and action steps from the 2018-19 District Improvement Plan. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the District Improvement Plan and Campus Improvement Plans as presented.
4.D. Consider Approval of Textbook Adoption Committees For Elementary and Secondary Language Arts and the Calendar of Meeting Dates For the 2018-2019 Textbook Adoption Process
Background Information: Proclamation 2019 calls for the purchase of instructional materials for the following subject areas: · English Language Arts and Reading (K-8), · Spanish Language Arts and Reading (K-6), · English Learners Language Arts (7-8), · Spelling (English and Spanish grades 1-6), · Handwriting (English and Spanish grades K-5), and · Personal Financial Literacy. The Board will be asked to consider the approval of the textbook adoption committees as well as the calendar of meeting dates for the textbook adoption process. The committee is charged with the task of examining current instructional materials in order to determine what additional resources are needed to teach the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and to recommend materials for purchase. Instructional Materials Allotment (IMA) funds are available for the purchase of instructional materials, and the committee will bring forward a recommendation to the Board. A period of public viewing of curriculum materials will also be scheduled. Note: Currently, no materials have been provided by the State for the Personal Financial Literacy adoption. As a result, no committee will be formed for this adoption. CFB currently has materials in place to teach 100% of the Personal Financial Literacy TEKS. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Textbook Adoption Committee membership and timeline as presented.
4.E. Consider Exercising the Extension Option of RFP 16-02 For Bilingual Educational Supplies, Materials, and Services
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of bilingual educational supplies, materials, and services to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. This is the third extension (beginning November 2, 2018) of four (4) one-year extension options as specified in the RFP. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 16-02 For Bilingual Educational Supplies, Materials, and Services for the third one-year extension term with the recommended vendors and authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.F. Consider Acceptance of the Purchasing Report For Major Budgeted Items For 2018-2019
Background: This Purchasing Report of blanket/project purchase orders is a summary of major budgeted items approved during the budget process for the 2018-2019 fiscal year for which scheduled purchases will be made against invoices based on usage throughout 2018-2019. Examples of these type of major budgeted items are: utilities, such as gas and water from each municipality in which CFBISD facilities are located, electricity, and solid waste and recycling services. With the dissolution of Dallas County Schools, items that appeared on previous reports involving transportation services will no longer appear on this annual report since these purchases will be made utilizing Board awarded contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the purchasing report for major budgeted items as presented.
4.G. Consider Acceptance of the Purchasing Report For the Period of September 1, 2018, Through September 30, 2018
Background: The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued over $25,000 but not exceeding $50,000 that have been made from September 1, 2018, through September 30, 2018. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the Purchasing Report for the period of September 1, 2018, through September 30, 2018, as presented.
4.H. Consider Acceptance of Financial Reports
Background: The monthly financial reports presented to the Board for consideration will include budget amendments (when applicable), budget summary year-to-date reports, construction summary report, outstanding investments, and tax office reports. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the financial reports for September 2018.
4.I. Consider Acceptance of the Annual Investment Report For the Year Ended August 31, 2018
Background: The Public Funds Investment Act (“PFIA”) under Government Code, Chapter 2256: Public Funds Investment requires that each district, not less than quarterly, prepare and submit to the board of trustees a report of investment transactions for all funds. In addition to the quarterly report required by law and signed by the District’s investment officers, a comprehensive report on the investment program and activity shall be presented annually to the Board per Board Policy CDA (LOCAL). The annual investment report includes the District’s investment transactions required by the PFIA for the year ended August 31, 2018. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the annual investment report for the year ended August 31, 2018.
4.J. Consider Acceptance of the Quarterly Investment Report For the Quarter Ended August 31, 2018
Background: The Public Funds Investment Act (“PFIA”) under Government Code, Chapter 2256: Public Funds Investment requires that each district, not less than quarterly, prepare and submit to the board of trustees a report of investment transactions for all funds. The quarterly investment report includes the District’s investment transactions required by the PFIA for the quarter ended August 31, 2018. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the quarterly investment report for the quarter ended August 31, 2018.
4.K. Consider Resolution Authorizing Certain Investment Brokers/Dealers
Background: To achieve the District’s goal of investment diversification, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD will approve investment brokers/dealers as authorized investment brokers/dealers for District funds. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees executes the resolution to approve certain investment brokers/dealers.
4.L. Consider Resolution Designating Investment Officers For the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District
Background: In accordance with Section 2256 of the Texas Government Code, the Board of Trustees shall designate one or more officers to be responsible for the investment of its funds. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees executes the Resolution Designating Investment Officers for the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District.
4.M. Consider Resolution Adopting and Reviewing the Investment Policy of the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District
Background: The Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA) requires the District to review its investment policy at least annually. The District’s investment policy is defined in Board Policy CDA (LEGAL) “Other Revenue: Investments,” and the District’s investment strategies are defined in Board Policy CDA (LOCAL) “Other Revenue: Investments.” Based on the District’s Audit Committee review of the investment policy and strategies, there are no recommended changes to the policy. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees executes the resolution adopting and reviewing the investment policy of the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District.
4.N. Consider Resolution Approving Independent Sources of Training Relating to Investment Responsibilities
Background: In accordance with Board Policy CDA (LEGAL) Other Revenue: Investments, all District investment officers must complete initial and on-going investment training requirements from Board approved investment training providers. The independent sources of instruction relating to investment responsibilities were reviewed by the Audit Committee and are being recommended for approval. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees executes the Resolution Approving Independent Sources of Training Relating to Investment Responsibilities.
4.O. Consider Approval of Journey House Travel Services
Background: This request is for the approval of the use of Journey House Travel for travel services for District staff and students including hotel, air, and car reservations. Departments with large group trips or a large volume of travel may utilize Journey House services rather than tracking each individual’s expenses for reimbursement. There is a transaction fee associated with utilizing the services. Administration recommends establishing the legal authorization for the purchase of travel services from Journey House Travel Services through the Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas (EPCNT) interlocal agreement contract with Frisco ISD, contract number RFP# 454-2014-10-19. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves Journey House Travel Services as described above.
4.P. Consider Approval of Minutes of Pre-meeting Briefing Held October 4, 2018
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the pre-meeting briefing held October 4, 2018, as presented.
4.Q. Consider Approval of Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Held October 4, 2018
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the regular meeting held October 4, 2018, as presented.
5.A. Report on the School FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) 2017-18 Rating Based Upon School Year 2016-17 Data Including Financial Management Report
Background: Senate Bill (SB) 218, which was passed during the 77th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2001, authorized the implementation of a financial accountability rating system which officially is referred to as School FIRST. The School District’s School FIRST rating is based upon an analysis of staff and student data reported for the 2016-2017 school year as well as budgetary and actual financial data for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2017.
5.B. Public Hearing on the School FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) 2017-18 Rating Based Upon School Year 2016-17 Data Including Financial Management Report
Background: A requirement of the School FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) report is to hold a public meeting and to allow for public comment on the report. Each school district must announce and hold a public meeting to distribute a financial management report that explains the District’s rating and its performance under each indicator for the current and prior year within two months of receiving the final accountability rating from the Texas Education Agency. Notice of the public hearing must be published in a newspaper once a week for two weeks prior to holding the public meeting. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees conducts a public hearing and allow for public comments.
6.A. Items Removed From Consent
6.B. Consider All Matters Related to Renovations of the Newman Smith High School Front Entrance, Including Declaring the Construction Delivery Method, Approval of Evaluation Criteria and Relative Weight of Each Criterion, and Delegation of Authority to Receive and Evaluate Proposals
Background: Plans and specifications are being finalized for the renovations to the front entrance of Newman Smith High School. Staff is seeking approval for all matters related to the project including declaring the construction delivery method as a competitive sealed proposal, approval of the evaluation criteria and relative weight of each criterion with the delegation of authority to fully review, evaluate and rank proposals, negotiate a contract, and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Corgan Architects is serving as the design consultant for this project and recommends the District employ the competitive sealed proposal procurement method as the construction delivery method. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Resolution for Delegation of Authority as presented, declare the construction delivery method as Competitive Sealed Proposal, and approve the evaluation criteria and weighted value of each criterion.
6.C. Consider All Matters Related to Exterior Improvements to Blair, Farmers Branch and Stark Elementary Schools and Vivian Field Middle School Including Declaring the Construction Delivery Method, Approval of Evaluation Criteria and Relative Weight of Each Criteria, and Delegation of Authority
Background: Plans and specifications are being finalized for exterior improvements to Blair, Farmers Branch and Stark Elementary Schools, and Vivian Field Middle School. Staff is seeking approval for all matters related to the project including declaring the construction delivery method as a competitive sealed proposal, approval of the evaluation criteria and relative weight of each criterion with the delegation of authority to fully review, evaluate and rank proposals, negotiate a contract and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Parkhill, Smith, and Cooper Architects is serving as the design consultant for this project and recommends the District employ the competitive sealed proposal procurement method as the construction delivery method. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Resolution For Delegation of Authority presented, declare the construction delivery method as Competitive Sealed Proposal, and approve the evaluation criteria and weighted value of each criterion.
6.D. Consider Approval of Proposed Resolution Regarding Participation and Expenditure of Funds for Community and Civic Events
Background: A community member complained about the District using public funds to support and/or sponsor community and civic events. The District legal counsel stated that a resolution needed to be passed in order for the District to use public funds for such events. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Resolution Regarding Expenditure of Funds for Community and Civic Events and authorizes the Board President and Board Secretary to sign the resolution on behalf of the Board.
Report from TrueNorth
8.A. Consider Approval to Authorize the Superintendent to Research and/or Provide More Information to the Board of Trustees at the December 6, 2018, Regular Board Meeting