August 13, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Upon announcement by the presiding officer that a quorum is present, the meeting will be called to order.
2. Roll Call for Executive Session
3. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Executive Session will be held for the purposes authorized by the State of Texas Open Meetings Act, *Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the sections and purposes listed below.
3.A. Discuss Board Approval of Accepting Professional Staff Resignations and Hiring of Professional Contractual Personnel. *Texas Gov't. Code 551.074
3.B. Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee *Texas Gov't Code 551.074
4. Reconvene from Executive Session - The Board will reconvene from Executive Session. The presiding officer will verify that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
5. Invocation
6. Pledges of Allegiance
7. Roll Call for Open Session
8. Discussion/Action from Executive Session
8.A. Discuss and Consider Hiring of Professional Contractual Personnel
9. Recognition(s)
10. Communication from the Public
11. Presentation(s)
11.A. Budget Presentation (Mrs. Carter)
11.B. STAAR/EOC Data (Mrs. Kremmer)
12. Consent Agenda
12.A. Consider Board Approval of Minutes from July 9, 2019 Board Meeting
12.B. Consider Board Approval of Bond Issue Accounts Payable Fund 616
12.C. Consider Board Approval of Accounts Payable Reimbursement Fund 680
12.D. Consider Board Approval of Accounts Payable Reimbursement Fund 681
12.E. Consider Board Approval of Capital Projects Accounts Payable Fund 682
12.F. Consider Board Approval of Bond Issue Accounts Payable Fund 698
12.G. Consider Board Approval of Budget Amendments
12.H. Consider Board Approval of Purchases Over $50,000
12.I. Consider Board Approval of Annual Cooperative Purchasing Agreements and Related Fees for 2019-2020
12.J. Consider Board Approval of Quarterly Investment Report
12.K. Consider Board Approval of Bond Construction Invoices
13. Discussion/Action
13.A. Discuss and Consider Bond Oversight Committee Membership (Dr. Hill)
13.B. Discuss and consider approval of May 2019 Bond Construction Design Development (Mrs. Carter)
13.C. Discuss and Consider Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credits from the State (Mrs. Carter)
13.D. Discuss and Consider Proposing a 2019 Tax Rate and Scheduling a Public Meeting to Discuss the 2019-2020 Budget and the 2019 Proposed Tax Rate (Mrs. Carter)
13.E. Discuss and Consider Security Contract for 2019-2020 School Year (Mrs. Carter)
13.F. Discuss and Consider the License and Agreement for Use of Facilities with UpBring (Mrs. Carter)
13.G. Discuss and Consider Pre-K Service Agreement with UpBring (Mrs. Kremmer)
13.H. Discuss and Consider Board Approval of Sweeny ISD Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) for the 2019-2020 School Year (Mrs. Pope)
13.I. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Sweeny ISD Student Code of Conduct for the 2019-2020 School Year (Pope)
13.J. Discuss and Consider Mowing Contract (Mr. Kluttz)
13.K. Discuss and Consider Texas Principal Evaluation & Support System (T-PESS) Appraisal Calendar for the 2019-2020 School Year (Dr. Hill)
13.L. Discuss and Consider Special Work Study Meetings on Oct. 29, 2019 at 6pm and Feb. 25, 2019 at 6pm for the Purpose of Receiving Updates Regarding Board, District, and Campus Goals (Dr. Hill)
14. Reports
14.A. Disbursements
14.B. Financial Statements
14.C. Monthly Investment Report
14.D. Balance Sheets on Activity Funds and District Textbook Activity Fund Report
14.E. Tax Collection Report
14.F. Transportation Trip Expense Report and Student Count
14.G. Enrollment
14.H. Enrollment - Transfer Students
15. Miscellaneous
16. Adjournment
17. *References