March 20, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Upon announcement by the presiding officer that a quorum is present, the meeting will be called to order.
2. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Executive Session will be held for the purposes authorized by the State of Texas Open Meetings Act, *Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the sections and purposes listed below.
2.A. Discuss Employees Who Are Being Recommended to Receive One Year Employee Probationary Contracts, One Year Employee Term Contracts, Administrator Contracts and Employees Who Have Resigned or Are Not Being Recommended for Renewal *Texas Govt Code Section *551.074
2.B. Discuss Staff Employment, Duties and Certifications *Texas Govt Code Section *551.074
2.C. Discuss SISD Police Department Officer *Texas Government Code 551.074
3. Reconvene from Executive Session - The Board will reconvene from Executive Session. The presiding officer will verify that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
3.A. Discuss and Consider Employees Who Are Being Recommended to Receive One Year Employee Probationary Contracts, One Year Employee Term Contracts, Administrator Contracts and Employees Who Have Resigned or Are Not Being Recommended for Renewal
3.B. Discuss and Consider SISD Police Department Officer
4. Invocation
5. Pledges of Allegiance
6. Roll Call
7. Communication from the Public
8. Recognition(s)
9. Special Report(s)/Presentation(s)
9.A. Advanced Academics Update (Mrs. Pope and Mrs. Casey)
9.B. Athletic Recruitment Process (Mr. Lynch)
9.C. Update on School Safety and Security Plan (Mr. Kluttz and Chief Ideus)
9.D. Fine Arts Review Findings (Dr. Hill/Mr. Bryant)
9.E. Budget Update (Mrs. Carter)
10. Consent Agenda
10.A. Consider Board Approval of Minutes from February 13, 2018 and February 20, 2018 Board Meetings
10.B. Consider Board Approval of Bond Issue Accounts Payable Fund 616
10.C. Consider Board Approval of Capital Projects Accounts Payable Fund 682
10.D. Consider Board Approval of Bond Issue Accounts Payable Fund 698
10.E. Consider Board Approval of Budget Amendments
10.F. Consider Board Approval of Purchases Exceeding $50,000.00
11. Discussion/Action
11.A. Discuss and Consider TASB Policy Update 110 (Mr. Nixon)
11.B. Discuss and Consider Board Approval for Start/End Dates for Sweeny ISD Staff for 2018-2019 School Year (Mr. Nixon)
11.C. Discuss TEKS Verification Form (Mrs. Pope)
11.D. Discuss and Consider Acceptance of Harvey KIDS Fund Grant in the Amount of $91,000.00 to Fund a Full Time School Counselor and $20,120.00 for Use Towards Purchase of the Social Emotional Learning Curriculum - Grant Totaling $111,120.00 (Mrs. Casey/Mrs. Carter)
11.E. Discuss and Consider the Addition of One Counselor to be Funded to Through Grant Funds Awarded Through Harvey KIDS Fund Grant in the Amount of $91,000.00 (Mrs. Pope/Mrs. Casey)
11.F. Discuss and Consider Phase I of Instructional Coaching Model, which includes Two IC's @ Elementary Campus (Mrs. Pope)
11.G. Discuss and Consider Board Resolution Relating to Reimbursements for Stolen Band Equipment. (Mrs. Carter)
11.H. Consider and Take Possible Action to Order the Cancellation of Trustee Election for Place #2 (Mrs. Carter)
11.I. Discuss and Consider the Renewal of the Planned Services Agreement with Johnson Controls.(Mr. Kluttz)
11.J. Discuss School Board Training Requirements - Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes Through Effective Governance - June 20, 2018 (Dr. Hill)
12. Reports
12.A. Disbursements
12.B. Financial Statements
12.C. Monthly Investment Report
12.D. Balance Sheets on Activity Funds and District Textbook Activity Fund Report
12.E. Tax Collection Report
12.F. Transportation Trip Expense Report and Student Count
12.G. Enrollment
12.H. Enrollment - Transfer Students
12.I. Delinquent Tax Attorney Report
13. Miscellaneous
14. Adjournment
15. *References