February 24, 2025 at 10:00 AM - Commissioners Court of Milam County, Texas
Agenda |
1. A quorum will be established, and the meeting of the Milam County Commissioners' Court will be called to order.
2. Invocation
3. Pleadge to the American Flag and the Texas Flag.
4. Comments from the Public (limited to five minutes per person and 30 minutes per topic).
5. Consider and take action on the Consent Agenda:
a. The Minutes from the previous Commissioners' Court Meeting and act on any corrections, changes, or approval of said minutes. b. Certificates of Completion. c. Treasurer's Report. |
6. Judge's Comments
7. Review, discuss, and take action on a Utility Installation Request by Bell Milam Falls WSC for the installation of a water line under County Road 112.
8. Review, discuss, and take action on a Utility Installation Request by Bell Milam Falls WSC for the installation of a water line under County Road 408.
9. Review, discuss, and take action on a utility installation for Southwest Milam Water Supply Corporation within the right-of-way on CR-318.
10. Discuss and take action on a Bartlett Electric Cooperative request for an Aerial Road Crossing over CR-381.
11. Review, discuss and take action a Utility Installation by Southwest Milam Water Supply Corporation for a water line within the right-of-way on CR 455.
12. Discuss and take action on a land lease agreement between James Svetlik and Milam County Precinct 1.
13. Discuss and take action on the "Grading and Grubbing" plan for the Orion Data Center in Burlington.
14. Discuss and take action on Serina Cole as a Member Candidate to the Milam County Historical Commission.
15. Discuss and take action on a Proclamation for National Nutrition Month.
16. Discuss and take action to amend the Pipeline Crossing Permit to include electrical projects.
17. Open and consider bids for the clearing and disposal of debris located at 6077 N. Highway in Minerva.
18. Review, discuss, and take action to pay the bills of Milam County, Texas as presented by the Milam County Auditor's Office.
19. Adjourn