Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Frank
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Recognition of Visitors to the School Board
V. Public Forum
Public Forum will be placed on the agenda for regular board meetings. During this part of each regular school board meeting time will be allowed for district constituents to address the school board. Pursuant to Policy 206 Section VI the board will make every effort to allow district constituents to speak, but may limit discussion to ensure all business is addressed for the interest of the district. This is a time of "listening" by the school board. |
VI. Consent Items
Only one motion is needed to approve all consent items. Any item that is requested to be removed from the consent agenda by a school board member will be discussed and acted on for independent consideration immediately following approval of the consent agenda.
VI.A. Approve Bills for Payment
VI.B. Approve Personnel
VII. Reports
VII.A. Superintendent Report
VII.A.1. Budget Evaluation Update
VII.A.2. Director of Buildings and Grounds search
VII.A.3. SWWC Day at the Capitol
Last Thursday I spent the day at the capitol building in St. Paul with SWWC superintendents. We had the opportunity to sit with many of the legislators from our districts. I had the chance to meet Scott Van Binsbergen at dinner on Wednesday night and he was one of the legislators who visited with us during the day on Thursday.
As we met with state leaders we discussed many of the concerns we have with school finances. The focus was mainly on the many unfunded mandates from last year's legislative session. Some of the newly created unfunded mandates and the concerns their impact has on student achievement include:
VII.A.4. Proposed calendar for FY26
This is our current draft of the FY26 calendar. This is just informational and we will look to have it approved at the March meeting.
VII.B. PK-6 Principal Report
VII.C. 7-12 Principal Report
VII.D. Activities Report
VII.E. Community Education Report - no report
The summer rec program will be ready to go to show nexet month.
VII.F. Pool Report
VII.G. Facilities Report
VII.H. School Board Committee Reports
VII.H.1. Facilitites Committee meeting report
Sandy Benson, Todd Sheehan, Greg Peppel
VIII. New Business
First Reading on Policy 304 Superintendent Contract and Duties
VIII.A. Approve the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for student transportation services and authorize the Superintendent/designated staff to develop and distribute the RFP, and oversee the bid process.
VIII.B. Approve update to the 2024-2025 Calendar
There are two changes. First, the last week of school we are scheduled to have an early out on Wednesday and then another early out on Friday. I am asking that we modify the calendar to make Wednesday a full school day and allow Friday to be put on the calendar as a teacher's day, which will also be designated as a make-up day in case of a school closing.
The second change has actually already happened. President's Day was supposed to be a day off for the teachers. One of the teachers, however, pointed out that the calendar online showed it as a work day. She informed the principals, and they had the staff come in on that day. It turned out the calendar online had an error on it and wasn't the calendar the board approved last year. Once we realized the mistake, the teachers suggested that they take off 1/2 of the day of February 14 and get rid of the 1/2 work day on May 20th. Currently, graduation is on 5/16, they are scheduled for a full day on 5/19. If approved I will send out a notice to families tomorrow. |
VIII.C. Third Reading and Final Reading of Policy 515, Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records with Form.
VIII.D. First and Final Reading of Policy 305, Policy Implementation.
VIII.E. First and Final Reading of Policy 304, Superintendent Contract, Duties, and Evaluation.
VIII.F. First and Final reading of Policy 302, Superintendent
VIII.G. Second Reading of Policy 101.1, Name of the School District
Todd Frank
First Reading of a New Policy to Adopt. The tentative approval date would be at the March 25, 2025 board meeting.
VIII.H. First Reading of Policy of 208 Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies
Discussion of policies listed for annual review.
VIII.I. Adopt a Resolution to Acknowledge and Accept Gifts, Grants, and Bequests.
VIII.J. Move to enter closed session, under MN Statute 13.D.03, to discuss labor negotiations strategy for upcoming negotiations. (Action).
Todd Frank
1. Discuss labor negotiations strategy for upcoming negotiations.
VIII.K. Reopen the meeting
Chair Frank
Closed meeting summary
IX. Upcoming dates:
March 24, 2025, Regular School Board Meeting, Media Center, 7:00PM |
X. Adjourn
XI. Facilities Committee
Sandy Benson