January 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR MONTHLY BOARD MEETING
Agenda |
I. Call to order, verify quorum, invocation.
II. Public Comment
III. Consider approval of minutes of the regular meeting held on December 16, 2024.
IV. Consider approval of transfer requests.
V. Hear Presentation by Performance Services
VI. Public Hearing on the 2023-2024 Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR).
VII. Consider Calling a Board of Trustees Election for Saturday, May 3, 2025.
VIII. Consider approval of contract with Texas Multi-Chem for baseball and softball field work.
IX. Hear First Reading of TASB Update 124.
X. School Board Appreciation Meal and Recognition. January is School Board Appreciation Month.
XI. Principal and AD Reports.
XII. Superintendent's Report
XIII. Executive Session*: Discuss Personnel and Security.
XIII.A. The board may convene into Executive Closed Session at any time during the course of the meeting, if the topic of discussion is in accordance with the Open Meetings Act as described in Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
XIV. Reconvene into open session and consider actions on items discussed in executive session.
XIV.A. Consider Resignations
XIV.B. Consider contracts for replacing vacancies.
XV. Review bills, financial report. Consider approval of the bills and financial report.
XVI. Adjournment.