March 17, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Prayer I.B. Establish Quorum I.B.1. Board Members Present _____Jesse Bolgiano _____Christy Murphy _____Jared Griffin _____Scott Pearson _____Chad Lewis _____Chad Talbert _____Amy Maddox |
II. Special Recognition
II.A. Special Recognition II.A.1. 2024 AA Division 2 State Volleyball Champions |
III. Public Comment
III.A. Persons wishing to address the Board of
Trustees must sign in on the public comment sign-in form. The board cannot deliberate on subject matter that is not included on the agenda. BED (LOCAL) |
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Technology Update IV.B. Presentation of Honors Course Guidelines IV.C. Superintendent Report |
V. Business
V.A. Consent Agenda V.A.1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting V.A.2. Financial Report for the Previous Month V.B. Innovative Courses V.B.1. Agriculture Leadership, Research and Communications will focus on challenging Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) students to use higher level thinking skills, develop leadership abilities, employee standard research principles, and communicate agriculture positions effectively with all stakeholders. V.B.2. General Employability Skills-This course is designed to guide students in obtaining the knowledge and needed employability skills that are transferable among a variety of jobs and careers and are considered essential in any employment situation. Students will learn and apply basic knowledge of what is expected in the workplace. V.C. Policy Revisions V.C.1. Discuss and take appropriate action on policy DEC (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences V.C.2. Discuss and take appropriate action on policy DC (LOCAL) Employment Practices |
VI. Closed Session
VI.A. Professional Contracts VI.A.1. Chapter 21 contracts of current professional staff VI.A.2. Consider Chapter 21 contract for the high school English position VI.B. Resignations |
VII. Open Session