March 31, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular (Rescheduled) Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum
2. Public Comments
3. Motion to Enter Closed Session - To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body and student discipline as stated in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)(9).
4. Motion to Return to Open Session
5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
5.A. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes 2/27/25
5.B. Approval of Financial Reports, Activity Funds, Bills and Payroll
5.C. Approval of Amended Calendar for 2024-25 School Year
5.D. Approval of IHSA Membership for 2025-26 School Year
5.E. Authorization to Bid for Food, Dairy and Bakery for 2025-26 School Year
5.F. Approval of Recommended IASB School Board Policy Updates
6. New Business
6.A. Approval of Letter of Retirement
6.B. Approval of Certified Teacher Resignation
6.C. Approval of Extra-Curricular Resignation
6.D. Consider Employment of Teacher's Aide for 2025-26 School Year
6.E. Consider Approving a Resolution to Dismiss and Non-Renew Probationary Teachers at the end of the 2024-2025 School Year.
7. Administator Reports
7.A. Superintendent
7.B. Principal
8. Adjournment