January 27, 2025 at 6:30 PM - January 27, 2024 Worksession
Agenda |
1. Call to order
Joel Bordewyk
2. The Pledge of Allegiance
Joel Bordewyk
3. Approval of Agenda (revise as necessary)
Joel Bordewyk
4. UFLI Presentation - Informational
Jamie Frank
UFLI is an approved Literacy Curriculum from MDE. Many elementary teachers are using this to teach phonemic awareness and phonics. Erin Purrington is with us tonight to show the board UFLI and tell about her successes.
5. Approve Fit Plan for SWWC(Southwest Westcentral) Educational Cooperative - Action
Jamie Frank
The SWWC Executive Director, Cliff Carmody is with us tonight to discuss the long-term facility maintenance of the Winfair Building. The Winfair Building generates $19,300 in LTFM and $3165 in Operating Capital. This doesn't go very far when it comes time to replace roofs, parking lots, or tuckpointing. Cliff and I have been talking about the best way to save up for larger projects so that when it is time to replace a part of the roof, we are prepared. He is here tonight to present ideas for working together to identify programming space needs and solutions.
6. 2025-2026 Academic Calendar - Informational
Jamie Frank
The calendar committee is comprised of representatives from the teaching staff (Ashley Schmit, Kylie Neilsen, Gina Friewald, and Jace Harwood) and administrative staff (Jacob Johnson and Jamie Frank). This group met to draft the initial calendar in December. The teachers were then surveyed to learn which the majority preferred: a full two-week holiday break or a more extended summer break. The committee met again to adjust the calendar based on the survey results, and the final copy is in the board packet for review.
7. Approve the Rental Agreement with ElevaCare to rent an office space at the Highland Early Learning Center -Action.
Jamie Frank
ElevaCare (formally Southwestern Mental Health) is interested in leasing an office space at the Highland Early Learning Center. We have a space available in the west wing. They plan to provide therapy, including play therapy, to children and possibly adults in the community.
8. Resolution Authorizing Execution of Sub-grant Agreement for the FEMA BRIC Application. - Action
Jamie Frank
The FEMA BRIC grant requires a board resolution authorizing Peggy and Jamie to sign the grant application and represent the district in any communication related to the BRIC Grant.
9. Approve the three-year Superintendent Contract from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2028 - Action
Angie Klassen
A three-year contract for Superintendent Jamie Frank is enclosed in the packet for board approval.
10. Approve School Board Handbook - Action
The School Board Handbook was presented at the last meeting. It is a resource for board members to quickly find policy and procedures.
11. Review Budget to Actual % for FY2025 as of December 31, 2024 - Information Only
Peggy Pfeffer
This document compares our budget to actual for both revenues and expenditures for this year with prior fiscal years at the same point in time. This is the second review of the year - the prior one was done in October 2024. The last review will be done in April 2025. We review this upon the recommendation of our auditor and for our bond rating.
12. Estimated Cash Flow Report for 2024-2025 (FY2025) as of December 31, 2024 - Informational
Peggy Pfeffer
The preliminary cash flow report was done back in July 2024, and is brought to the board 2–3 times per year, but is monitored monthly by the Business Manager. At this time, unless something major happens, our cash flow is adequate to meet all of our obligations and there is no need to have any Aid Anticipation Certificates (AAC). The last time an AAC was done was back in 2011, this shows good financial strength for our district.
13. Adjourn
There being no other items to discuss.