July 22, 2024 at 6:30 PM - July 22 Work Session
Agenda |
1. Call to order
Joel Bordewyk
2. The Pledge of Allegiance
Joel Bordewyk
3. Approval of Agenda (revise as necessary)
Joel Bordewyk
4. Accept Quote on Milk/Dairy Products for the 2024-2025 School Year. - Action
Jamie Frank
The district received 1 quote for milk and dairy for the 24-25 school year from Prairie Farms. This is from the same vendor that we used for the 23-24 school year. Kemps from LeMars, Iowa declined to bid at this time due to increasing logistics costs and staffing needs for our area.
5. Approve 2024-2025 Substitute Rate - Action
Jamie Frank
The substitute rate of pay sheet is attached. Keeping the tiered compensation approach is recommended. All positions were increased by $10 this year.
6. Approve Elementary and MSHS Handbooks - Action
The Elementary and Middle High Handbooks are attached for approval tonight. The principals described the proposed changes at the July 8 Regular School Board Meeting.
7. Approval of the short-term solution to create home-field advantage for football and soccer athletes for this upcoming season - Action
Jamie Frank
The historic flood of 2024 will make it impossible to play home football and soccer games at Island Park this fall. The grass was underwater for several weeks and was destroyed. Several options have been explored, including playing at the Rec Center, in Worthington or St. James, sodding Island Park, and playing inside our track.
It has been determined that playing football and soccer inside of the track is the best option for our players. Please see the attached proposal. This is not a good long-term solution, but is the best short-term situation for our programs this fall.
8. Approve Resolution 072224A Relating to the Election of School Board members and Calling the School District General Election - Action
9. Review and Approve Resolution 072224B for the FY 2026 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance (LTFM) Ten-Year Application and Plan - Action
Peggy Pfeffer
There are 3 different parts of the LTFM Application that require approval:
10. Estimated Cash Flow Report for 2024-2025 (FY2025) - Informational
Peggy Pfeffer
This is the preliminary cash flow report for FY2025 - this is brought to the board for review approximately 3 times per year - but is monitored monthly by the Business Manager. At this time, unless something major happens, our cash flow is adequate to meet all of our obligations and there is no need to have any Aid of Anticipation Certificates (AAC). Last time an AAC was done was back in 2011. This shows good financial strength for our district.
11. Summary of Superintendent Evaluation - Informational
Joel Bordewyk
12. Adjourn