February 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular BOE Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approve Consent Agenda
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes Approval of the Bills |
5. PTO Update
6. Robotics Overnight Trips Proposal
David Barr
7. Food Service
Charles Clevenger
8. Student Recognition
9. Correspondence
9.A. Letter from HS Student Council
10. District Reports
10.A. Athletics
Mr. Cartwright
10.B. Pre-K - 8
Ms. Combs
10.C. 9-12
Mrs. Gavenda
10.D. District
Mrs. Gavenda
11. Budget Review
Amber Hinterman, Business Manager
12. Old Business
13. New Business
13.A. Policy Updates
13.B. Schools of Choice
14. Action Items
14.A. Approve Robotics Overnight Trip
14.B. Approve Updated Budget
14.C. Accept Letter of Resignation from Martha Bontrager
14.D. Accept Letter of Resignation from Mallory Yelsik
14.E. Approve 2025-2026 School Calendar
14.F. Approve Policy 3304 - Use of District Property.
14.G. Approve Policy 5101 - Student Expression.
14.H. Resolution: Board Policy Update
14.I. Policy 5203 - Hazing
14.J. 5204 - Student Appearance & Dress Code
14.K. 5206A - Student Discipline - Due Process
14.L. Policy 5206B - Student Discipline - Students with Disabilities
14.M. Policy 5206C - Student Discipline - Reinstatement Following Expulsion
14.N. Policy 5206D - Student Discipline - Enrollment Following Misconduct at Another School
14.O. Policy 5206E - Student Discipline - Suspension
14.P. Policy 5208 - Student Acceptable Use & Internet Safety
14.Q. Policy 5210 - GPS Tracking Device w/Audio Surveillance Capabilities
14.R. Policy 5212 - Registered Sex Offenders - Students
14.S. Policy 5213 - PPO Against Students
14.T. Policy 5301 - Compulsory Attendance, Absenteeism, & Truancy
14.U. Policy 5302 - Enrollment in Kindergarten
14.V. Policy 5303 - Student Enrollment & Withdrawal
14.W. Policy 5305 - Schools-of-Choice
14.X. Policy 5307 - Homeless Students
14.Y. Policy 5308 - Protection of Pupil Rights
14.Z. Policy 5309 - Student Records & Directory Information
15. Audience Participation
16. Board Comments
17. Upcoming Events
17.A. March 1 - Community Coffee & Donuts 8:00-11:00 am in the Cafeteria
17.B. March 6 - PT Conferences - 11:30 am dismissal for students
17.C. March 7 - Teacher PD - 11:00 am start for students
18. Adjournment