September 10, 2024 Alaska Time - Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Mission Statement
The Iditarod Area School District recognizes the unique and distinctive nature of each student with regard to character, capacity, ability and heritage. In doing so, we are committed to providing individualized, comprehensive and sequential programs to all students in an atmosphere which reflects their cultural heritage; and will, through an organized, efficient and effective school program designed and dedicated to incorporating a variety of learning opportunities, assure them of successful achievement as adults in the 21st Century. This is our commitment to the students, parents and communities of the Iditarod Area School District. This is our Mission!
IV. Introduction of Guests
VI. Site Reports
VII. Recognition and Awards
VIII. Communications to the Board
VIII.A. Letter to the Board for Carolyn Workman
IX. Public Comment
Limit to three Minutes per person on non-agenda items.
X. Agenda Modification
**Per IASD Board Policy Bylaws, Iditarod School District members may place any item on the agenda no later than FIVE days before the scheduled meeting date. **All agendas shall include the meeting time and place and a description of each business item to be transacted or discussed. All agendas shall be posted for public review prior to the meeting.
X.A. Approval of Agenda
XI. Old Business
XI.A. 25-001 Approval of June 11 Minutes
During the August 20th Meeting, There were some confusion about the June 11 Meeting minutes due to the agenda item numbers.
24-079 had been previously used by Joyce Turner for the bank resolution in preparation of the June 11 meeting. This agenda item was not ready to be placed onto he June 11 meeting so it was temporarily pulled off until item was ready for the board. During the June 11th Meeting. Board member requested YIK Days be added to the agenda. It was assigned 24-079 as the Board did not see that item listed as an item on the agenda. This confusion was resolved during the Aug 20th meeting by assigning the Bank Resolution agenda item a new number (24-081). There were also some confusions about motions on the 24-079 YIK Days agenda item. There was a motion to move it to the table for discussion. It was motioned and seconded without a role call due to moving directly into a discussion. During the discussion it was decided that the board wanted to form a committee to discuss budget. It was then motioned and seconded and then voted on. The minutes were discussed between the previous board secretary and the current board secretary to decide the best way to account for the actions taken. The June 11th Meeting Minutes have been modified by the board secretary and ready to be presented.
XI.B. 24-081 Approval of Resolution 24-05 Bank of America Authorized Signers
XII. New Business
XII.A. 25-004 Parent/Student Handbook
XII.B. 25-012 Approval of Aug 20 Meeting Minutes
XII.C. 25-013 Approval of Sept Personnel Recommendations
XII.D. 25-014 Approval of Grayling Flooring
XII.E. 25-015 Approval of Shageluk ASB Meeting Minutes
XII.F. 25-016 Approval of the Resignation of Staci Costa
XIII. Discussion Agenda
XIII.A. Update on District Enrollments
XIV. Final Items
XIV.A. Future Agenda Items
XV. Adjournment