September 12, 2023 Alaska Time - Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order, Roll Call
II. Introduction of Guests
III. Mission Statement
III.A. Recognition and Awards
IV. District Reports
V. Correspondence
VI. Public Comment
VII. Approval of Agenda and Modifications of Agenda
VIII. Consent Agenda Items
VIII.A. 24-008 Approval of August 8 Regular Meeting Minutes
VIII.B. 24-009 Approval of September Personnel Recommendations
VIII.C. 24-010 Review and Approve Classified Salary Schedule
VIII.D. 24-011 Approve Indian Policy and Procedures BP 6174.1
IX. Discussion Agenda
IX.A. Blackwell Grant Project- CIP
IX.B. Alaska Reads Act
IX.C. BB 9323 Board Conduct
IX.D. IDLC High School Credit Request
IX.E. Executive Session- Called to discuss the future of the District Superintendent
X. Board Comments
XI. Adjournment