March 24, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Board of Trustees Meeting
Agenda |
1. ITEM NO: 1
AGENDA ITEM: Call to Order – 5:00 pm ITEM TYPE: COMMENT: |
2. ITEM NO. 2
AGENDA ITEM: Pledge of Allegiance ITEM TYPE: COMMENT: |
3. ITEM NO. 3
AGENDA ITEM: Adopt Agenda ITEM TYPE: Decision COMMENT: Parliamentary rules recommend the adoption of the Agenda. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt the Agenda for the March 24, 2025 Board of Trustees meeting.
4. ITEM NO. 4
5. ITEM NO: 5
AGENDA ITEM: Introductions and Highlights ITEM TYPE: COMMENT: A. Cheer Team B. Dance Team C. Wrestling Team |
6. ITEM NO: 6
AGENDA ITEM: Consent Agenda ITEM TYPE: Decision COMMENT: A. Approval of Minutes of the February 24, 2025 meeting. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 24, 2025 are enclosed. B. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report as of February 28, 2025 shows a balance of $8,904,410.44 at Central National Bank. C. Purchasing and Payment of Claims. The purchase orders are enclosed or are available from the Clerk of the Board. 1) The A List 2) The B List D. Personnel 1) Contract Renewal Recommendations for Basketball Coaches 2) Accounting Instructor RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the items included in the Consent Agenda as presented. |
7. ITEM NO. 7
AGENDA ITEM: Reports ITEM TYPE: Information COMMENT: A. President’s Message B. Vice President for Academic Affairs C. Vice President for Administrative Services D. Vice President for Student Services |
8. ITEM NO: 8
AGENDA ITEM: Discussion Items ITEM TYPE: Discussion COMMENT: A. Policy AP6 - Retirement B. Policy C8 - Drug-Free Workplace C. Strategic Plan
9. ITEM NO: 9
AGENDA ITEM: Action Items ITEM TYPE: Decision COMMENT: A. Approval of Tuition, Fees, and Housing Rates for AY2025-2026 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the recommended Tuition, Fees, and Housing Rates for the 2025-2026 academic year as presented. B. Approval of Athletic Scoreboards and Sound System RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the video board purchase and the sound system purchase from Nevco in the amount of $185,485.05 and authorize payment from Fund 61 - Capital Outlay. C. Approval of Painting of the Ceiling and Crossbeams in Arley Bryant Gymnasium RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the painting estimate from MVP Painting in the amount of $67,410.00 with a 15% contingency in the amount of $10,111 and authorize payment from Fund 61 - Capital Outlay. |
10. ITEM NO: 10
11. ITEM NO: 11
AGENDA ITEM: Executive Session ITEM TYPE: Executive Session COMMENT: A. Non-Elected Personnel |
12. ITEM NO: 12