March 12, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and establish quorum.
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Patron's Concerns
"Persons who wish to address the Board of Trustees regarding items on the agenda may do so as that agenda item is called. Persons who wish to address the Board of Trustees regarding items not on the agenda and that are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees may do so at this time when called upon by the Chair. Comments on personnel matters and matters pending in court are not permitted. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Any presentation is for information purposes only. No action will be taken."
4. Consent Agenda
5. Reports and/or Board Discussion
6. Board Reports
KACC - Jessica Thompson
Other Board members Iola Industries - Corey Schinstock ACC Endowment - Vicki Curry CTE and Maintenance Buildings—Corey Schinstock/Becky Nilges Board Finance Committee - Gena Clounch/Vicki Curry |
7. Old Business (Action, Report, or Discussion)
7.a. Scarlet & Black Club update
Josiah D"Albini
8. New Business (Action, Report, or Discussion)
8.a. CTE Program Report
Dr. Kara Wheeler
8.b. Deferred Maintenance Report
Ryan Sigg
8.c. E-sports & Trapshooting
Doug Desmarteau
E-sports: Proposal to establish an E-sports club for the Fall semester.
Trapshooting: Discussion of a potential trapshooting program launch.
8.d. SAPP-Phlebotomy Technician
Dr. Kara Wheeler
9. Executive Session
9.a. Executive session to discuss Trade Secrets
10. New Business (Action, Report, Discussion)
10.a. Facility Discussion
11. Executive Session
11.a. Executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters for non-elected personnel
12. Upcoming Meetings
Regular meeting: Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at 6:00 PM
Board Retreat: Saturday, May 31 |
13. Pending Agenda Items
14. Adjournment