February 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Elysian Fields ISD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order (Board President): I call this meeting of the Elysian Fields ISD Board of Trustees to order. Let the record show that a quorum of board members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551
II. Welcome/Prayer
III. Public Comments
IV. Public Hearing on Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) presented by Randi Searle
IV.A. Texas Academic Performance Report
V. ACTION ITEM: Consider Approval of the Monitoring Calendar Reports
V.A. 1.2 Percent of 1st- 8th grade students on grade level in reading
V.B. 2.2 Percent of 1st- 8th grade students on grade level in math
V.C. 1.3 Percent of students scoring Meets or above on EOC English benchmarks
V.D. 2.3 Percent of students scoring Meets or above on EOC Algebra I benchmarks
V.E. 3.1 Percent of technology work orders completed within 5 days
V.F. 3.3 Percent of maintenance work orders completed within 5 days
V.G. Student and Staff Recognitions
VI. ACTION ITEM: Consent Agenda Items
VI.A. Consider Approval of Minutes from the January 21, 2025 Board Meeting
VI.A.1. January 21, 2025 Minutes
VI.B. Consider Approval of 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
VI.B.1. 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
VI.C. Consider Approval of Staff Development Minutes Waiver
VI.C.1. Staff Development Minutes Waiver
VI.D. Consider Approval of TASB Insurance Renewal
VI.D.1. TASB Risk Management Fund Insurance Renewal Policy
VI.E. Consider Approval of the Resolution of the Board of Trustees of Elysian Fields ISD Stating Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies and Designation of Investment Officers
The Texas Government code, Section 2256-Public Funds Investment Act ("Act") as amended, requires a local government to purchase, sell, and invest its funds in investments authorized by law and in compliance with the investment policies approved by the governing board. The Act also requires the governing body to review its investment policy and investment strategies not less than annually and designate one or more investment officers or employees as investment officers to be responsible for the investment of its funds. The attached resolution acknowledges that the Elysian Fields Board has reviewed the investment policies and strategies, policies CDA (Legal) and CDA (Local) which are included in the Board packet. The resolution also designates the Superintendent and Business Manager as the Investment Officers for the District. |
VI.E.1. Resolution Stating Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies and Designation of Investment Officers
VI.F. Consider Approval of the Resolution of the Board of Trustees of Elysian Fields ISD Approving Independent Sources for Investment Training for the Investment Officers
The Texas Government Code, Section 2256-Public Funds Investment Act ("ACT") as amended, requires the Investment Officer(s) of the District to attend an Investment training session no less than once in a two-year period and receive not less than eight hours of instruction relating to investment responsibilities from independent sources approved by the Board of Trustees. The attached resolution provides approval of several different independent resources for investment officer training. |
VI.F.1. Resolution Approving Independent Sources for Investment Training for Investment Officers
The board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code, Chapter 551.074. All final votes, actions, or discussions will be taken in open meeting. |
VII.A. Personnel- Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
IX. Adjournment