October 2, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Reading of Mission and Vision Statement
5. Donations
6. Recognition of Students and Staff
7. Public Comments/Forum
8. Review, Consider and Approve Lone Star Governance Goal Progress Measures/Goals and Progress Monitoring September Update for Goal 1(Elementary Reading) and Goal 2 (Elementary Math) and Superintendent Constraint 2 ( Facilities Inspection)
9. Discussion and Approval of Lone Star Governance School Board Implementation Self Evaluation and Constraint Review
10. Review, Consider and Approve GMP Amendment to Bond 23 Phase One
11. Presentation: Overview of the English Language Learners Program
12. Presentation: GISD Library Services Program
13. Presentation: Safety Audit Findings
14. Consent Agenda
Approve 2023-24 Student Code of Conduct
14.A. Approve Minutes from September 11,2023 Regular Board Meeting
14.B. Approve Campus Security Fencing Bid for Safety Compliance Measures ( Safety Allotment Funded)
14.C. Approve Legal Fees Associated with Dispute ( DCP South Central Texas LLC )
14.D. Approve Purchase of 3 District Vehicles (CTE Funds)
14.E. Approve Purchase of 1 Shuttle Style Van/Bus ( CTE Funds)
15. Monthly Reports
15.A. Superintendent's Report
15.B. Finance/Business Office Report
16. Closed Session - Texas Government Codes 551.074, 551.129, 551.0821, 551.076, 551.071, 551.087
16.A. Deliberate Regarding Employment, Reassignment, Resignation, and Duties of Personnel
17. Consider and Take Possible Action From Matters Discussed in Closed Session
18. Adjourn