August 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Business Meeting
Agenda |
I. Public Comment
Ms. Alison, School Board Chair
Up to fifteen speakers will be allotted three minutes each to speak.
The school board encourages community input. While comments and questions are welcome, law prohibits the board from discussing concerns about individual employees or students in a public meeting. The board will not deliberate, discuss, or engage in conversation with speakers. However, the board may ask administration to review the concern(s) presented. Speakers must present their testimony in a respectful manner. Vulgarity, character attacks, malice or specific complaints identifying staff or students by name or implication will not be permitted. We will stop the proceedings immediately if employee or student privacy issues are raised and direct the speaker to forward comments regarding individual employees or students to the superintendent. |
II. Call to Order
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
III. Roll Call
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
IV. Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
The Pledge of Allegiance will be recited prior to the approval of the meeting agenda.
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. |
V. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
VI. Student Report
Ms. Jenna Phelps and Mr. Sam Young, Student Representatives
The Student Board Members will provide updates on items of interest in the announcement category. Many times these topics develop between the time the agenda is prepared and distributed and the meeting date. Topics generally include announcement of academics, activities, arts and athletics. What is included in this item will vary each meeting depending on the nature of the topics, the school year schedule and time of activities.
VII. Superintendent Report
Dr. Mike Funk, Superintendent
Each meeting the Superintendent will provide an update on items of interest in the announcement category. Many times these topics develop between the time the agenda is prepared and distributed, and the meeting date. Topics generally include announcement of attendance at district events, communications items, informational items and correspondence items worth noting. What is included in this item will vary each meeting depending on the nature of the topics, the school year schedule and time of activities.
VIII. Board Chair Report
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
Each meeting the Board Chair board will provide updates on items of interest in the announcement category. Many times these topics develop between the time the agenda is prepared and distributed, and the meeting date. What is included in this item will vary each meeting depending on the nature of the topics, the school year schedule and time of activities.
IX. Consent Agenda
The consent agenda is a meeting practice which packages routine reports, Board meeting minutes, and other non-controversial items not requiring discussion or independent action as one agenda item. The Board will approve this ‘package’ of items together in one motion. A. School Board Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2023 |
IX.A. School Board Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2023
Ms. Katie Hockert, Shcool Board Clerk
A copy of the minutes is included for your review.
IX.B. School Board Meeting Minutes, July 11, 2023
Ms. Katie Hockert, Clerk
A copy of the minutes is included for your review.
IX.C. School Board Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2023
Ms. Katie Hockert, Shcool Board Clerk
A copy of the minutes is included for your review.
IX.D. Payment of Invoices - August 5, 2023 - August 18, 2023 & Off Cycle Payments From Previous Register
Ms. Marie Schrul, Executive Director of Finance
A copy of the register has been distributed to board members.
IX.E. 2023-24 District-wide classroom displays purchase
Mr. John Perry, Director of Learning, Technology & Design Systems
School board approval for $236.022.51 for the purchase of displays allocated to district-wide classrooms for the 23-24 school year from AVI Systems, Inc.
IX.F. Human Resources Personnel Report
Mr. Bob Graf, Executive Director of Human Resources
A summary of personnel transactions for the month is included for your review.
X. Strategic Direction: Ensure the Learning Process is Adaptable to Meet Individual Student Needs
X.A. Report: First Reading of New Policy 621 - Literacy and the Read Act
Mr. Bob Graf, Executive Director of Human Resources and Mr. Caleb Drexler Booth
The attached policy is included in the 2023 Minnesota Legislative Model Policy Revisions.
XI. Strategic Direction: Utilize Stytems and Align Resources in an Efficient Manner to Support Learning
XI.A. Report: First Reading New Policy 602 - Organization of School Calendar and School Day
Mr. Bob Graf, Executive Director of Human Resources and Ms. Dawn Waller Lueck, Director of Schools
The attached policy is included in the 2023 Minnesota Legislative Model Policy Revisions.
XI.B. Action: Amended Policy 534 - School Meal Policy
Mr. Bob Graf, Executive Director of Human Resources
The amended policy is included for your review.
XI.C. Action: Resolution Approving Purchase Agreement
Dr. Mike Funk, Superintendent
The resolution is included for your review and approval.
XII. Strategic Direction: Develop Strong Partnerships with the Communities We Serve
XII.A. Report: Referendum Update
Ms. Carissa Keister Chief of Staff
The board will receive an update on the upcoming November referenum.
XIII. Strategic Direction: Foster a Safe, Welcoming and Inclusive Environment for All Staff and Students
Nothing to report.
XIV. Closed Session
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.03(b). The governing body of a public employer may by a majority vote in a public meeting, decide to hold a closed meeting to consider strategy for labor negotiations, including negotiation strategies or developments or discussion and review of labor negotiation proposals, conducted pursuant to sections 179A.01 to 179A.25.
XV. Adjournment
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
XVI. Attachments