December 20, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||
I. Recognition - Tina Riehle and Vivian Votava
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
Tina Riehle and Vivian Votata will be recognized for their service on the school board.
II. Public Comment
Up to fifteen speakers will be allotted three minutes each to speak.
The school board encourages community input. While comments and questions are welcome, law prohibits the board from discussing concerns about individual employees or students in a public meeting. The board will not deliberate, discuss, or engage in conversation with speakers. However, the board may ask administration to review the concern(s) presented. Speakers must present their testimony in a respectful manner. Vulgarity, character attacks, malice or specific complaints identifying staff or students by name or implication will not be permitted. We will stop the proceedings immediately if employee or student privacy issues are raised and direct the speaker to forward comments regarding individual employees or students to the superintendent. |
III. Call to Order
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
IV. Roll Call
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
V. Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
The Pledge of Allegiance will be recited prior to the approval of the meeting agenda.
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. |
VI. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Alison Sherman, School Board Chair
VII. Student Report
Ms. Iliana Balok and Ms. Keira Jelinek, Student Representatives
The Student Board Members will provide updates on items of interest in the announcement category. Many times these topics develop between the time the agenda is prepared and distributed and the meeting date. Topics generally include announcement of academics, activities, arts and athletics. What is included in this item will vary each meeting depending on the nature of the topics, the school year schedule and time of activities.
VIII. Superintendent Report
Dr. Mike Funk, Superintendent
Each meeting the Superintendent will provide an update on items of interest in the announcement category. Many times these topics develop between the time the agenda is prepared and distributed, and the meeting date. Topics generally include announcement of attendance at district events, communications items, informational items and correspondence items worth noting. What is included in this item will vary each meeting depending on the nature of the topics, the school year schedule and time of activities.
IX. Board Chair Report
Allison Sherman, Board Chair
Each meeting the Board Chair board will provide updates on items of interest in the announcement category. Many times these topics develop between the time the agenda is prepared and distributed, and the meeting date. What is included in this item will vary each meeting depending on the nature of the topics, the school year schedule and time of activities.
X. Consent Agenda
The consent agenda is a meeting practice which packages routine reports, Board meeting minutes, and other non-controversial items not requiring discussion or independent action as one agenda item. The Board will approve this ‘package’ of items together in one motion.
A. School Board Meeting Minutes - November 22, 2022
B. School Board Special Meeting Minutes - December 8, 2022 C. Payment of Invoices D. 2023 Lily Lake Elementary Partial Roof Replacement E. SCEA MOU F. Human Resources Personnel Report |
X.A. School Board Meeting Minutes - November 22, 2022
Dr. Annie Porbeni, Clerk
A copy of the minutes are included for your review.
X.B. School Board Special Meeting - December 8, 2022
Dr. Annie Porbeni, School Board Clerk
A copy of the minutes are included for your review.
X.C. Payment of Invoice - December 3, 2022 - December 16, 2022
Ms. Marie Schrul, Executive Director of Finance
A copy of the register has been distributed to board members.
X.D. 2023 Lily Lake Elementary Partial Roof Replacement
Mr. Mark Drommerhausen, Director of Operations
The Stillwater Area Public Schools - 2023 roofing project is scheduled to take place at Lily Lake Elementary School. The project replaces the roofing system, vapor barrier underlayment, wood sheeting and
insulation on the areas of sloped roofs that cover the main office, cafeteria and gymnasium. The sloped roof sections at Lily Lake Elementary were last replaced with asphalt shingles in 2006. The roofs will be replaced with a standing seam metal roof system. This is the District’s standard for areas with sloped roofs. The roof will have a 30-year warranty on materials and labor and is expected to last 50 plus years. Construction costs for this project were estimated to be $1,800,000 and are part of the FY 2024 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance funding. Three bids were received on December 6, 2022. The lowest responsible bidder was Berwald Roofing Company Inc. of North St. Paul, MN for a bid total of $1,344,900. Wold Architects have verified their bid total and recommend them as the lowest responsible bidder. Administration is requesting to award the bid to Berwald Roofing Company Inc. for the partial roof replacement at Lily Lake Elementary School. Location(s): Lily Lake Elementary School Project Name: Stillwater Area Public Schools - 2023 Lily Lake Elementary Partial Roof Replacement Fund: Long-Term Facilities Maintenance - Roofing Systems Item: Partial roof replacement at Lily Lake Elementary School Amount: Berwald Roofing Company Inc. for a bid total of $1,344,900.00 |
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, Assistant Superintendent
The SCEA work agreement has conflicting language on the ability to share benefits between two part-time teachers. This agreement eliminates the conflict until this issue can be addressed in the new work agreement.
X.F. Human Resources Personnel Report
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, Assistant Superintendent
A copy of the report is included for your review.
XI. Action Item
XI.A. Certify the 2022 Payable 2023 Tax Levy
Ms. Marie Schrul, Executive Director of Finance
The Board of Education certified $49,896,098.69 for 2022 Payable 2023 levy on September 22, 2022. At the Board business meeting held on December 8, 2022, Julie Cink, Interim Director of Finance, provided information on the Truth in Taxation Requirements including the current budget and the proposed Tax Levy for Taxes Payable 2023. The public had an opportunity to comment.
The Board of Education is required to adopt the final levy for Taxes Payable 2023 and certify to the county auditor on or before December 28, 2022. Administration recommends that the Board of Education certify the 2022 Payable 2023 Tax Levy as follows:
A motion and a second to adopt the final levy for Taxes Payable 2023 is requested.
XI.B. Be SMART Resolution
Dr. Mike Funk, Superintendent
Dr. Funk will present the Be SMART resolution for board approval.
XI.C. Approval of New Policy 522 - Title IX, Revised Policy 428 - Employee Technology and Internet Access and Acceptable Use, Revised Policy 524 - Student Technology and Internet Access and Acceptable Use
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, Assistant Superintendent
These policies are being presented for a final reading and approval.
XII. Reports
XII.A. First Reading for Revised Policies; 416 - Drug and Alcohol Testing, 418 - Drug-Free Workplace, 419 - Tobacco Free Environment
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, Assistant Superintendent
These revised policies are being presented for a first reading.
XII.B. Second Reading Revised Policies; 601 - Academic Achievement Plan, 603 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program, 604 - Instructional Curriculum, 606 - Selection and Review of Instructional Resources
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, Assistant Superintendent
These revised polices are being presented for a second reading.
XII.C. 916 Update
Ms. Katie Hockert, School Board Vice Chair
Director Hockert will share a 916 update with school board members.
XIII. Adjournment
Allison Sherman, Board Chair
XIV. Attachments