Monday, March 10, 2025 Regular Meeting Time - 6:00 p.m. - Monthly Board Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to order - 6:00 p.m.
2. Adopt/Amend Agenda
3. Public Comments
Erin Crosby
4.a. Approval of Meeting Minutes
- February 10, 2025
4.b. Approval of Financial Report and Monthly Claims and Accounts
4.c. Approval of Staffing Matters/Personnel
Retirements Tim Stensrud - Maintenance Director - 2/13/2025 Jeri Popma - 3rd Grade Teacher - 4/1/2025 Resignation Kendra McBride - daycare & JV softball coach - 3/14/2025 Maternity Leave Kassi Albertson - 5/10/2025 - EOY Hiring Kendra McBride - daycare sub - 3/17/2025 Keith Knutson - Industrial Tech Teacher - 03/10/2025 Chuck Stark - Director of Buildings and Grounds - 03/31/2025 |
6. Information Items:
6.a. Board Member Reports
6.b. Teacher Reports
Ashley Schacherer- CPR manikins |
6.c. Principal Reports
6.d. Superintendent Report
6.e. Fleet proposals
7. Discussion/Approval Items:
7.a. Budget Reduction Recommendations
7.b. 2025-2026 Preschool Calendar and Rates and 2025-2026 Daycare Rates
Calendar and Rates to be presented at meeting
8. Action Items:
8.a. Resolution-District Donations
8.b. Approval of School Fundraisers
8.c. Mid-Year Lane Changes
- Brandon Hurley - MA to MA30 - Chelsea Ludvigson - MA to MA10 - Danielle Wager - MA to MA10 |
8.d. Resolution discontinuing or reducing programs and services
Resolution Reducing and Discontinuing Educational Programs and Positions_________________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS the School Board of Independent District No. 375 adopted a resolution on December 9, 2024 directing the Administration to make recommendations regarding the reduction and/or discontinuance of programs and positions, and WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the School Board, BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent District No. 378, as follows: That the following programs and positions, or portions thereof, be discontinued:
VOTING RECORD The motion for the adoption of the preceding resolution was duly seconded by _______________ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof, The following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted on March 10, 2025. |
8.e. Non-renewals
Resolution Proposing Placement of a Continuing Contract/Tenured Teacher on Unrequested Leave of Absence_________________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: That it is proposed that Jeshsalem Salisbury, a continuing contract/tenured teacher of said District, be placed on unrequested leave of absence without pay or fringe benefits, at the end of the 2024 - 2025 school year effective 06/02/2025. Said action is taken in accordance with the District master agreement and pursuant to Minn. Stat. 122A.40, subd. 10.1 upon the grounds described in said statute and which are specifically as follows:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a notice of proposed placement on unrequested leave, together with a copy of this resolution be forwarded to said teacher and that an affidavit of the same be placed in the teacher’s personnel file with a copy of the notice and resolution. VOTING RECORD The motion for the adoption of the preceding resolution was duly seconded by _______________ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof, The following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted on March 10, 2025. Resolution Nonrenewing a Probationary Teacher_________________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Loral Webster is a probationary teacher in Independent District No. 378.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent District No. 378, that pursuant to Minn. Stat. 122A.40, subd. 51 and the District master agreement, the teaching contract of Loral Webster, a probationary teacher in Independent District No. 378, shall be nonrenewed at the end of the 2024-2025 school year effective June 2, 2025. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that written notice be sent to said teacher regarding the nonrenewal of the teacher’s teaching contract. VOTING RECORD The motion for the adoption of the preceding resolution was duly seconded by _______________ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof, The following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted on March 10, 2025. |
8.f. Greater MN Contract for Challenge Program
8.g. SWWC SC Contract
8.h. A&I Budget
Budget to be presented Monday
8.i. Policies
2nd Reading: Policy 524.5 - Personal Electronic Communication Devices.
8.j. Fleet bid proposals
9. Adjournment