June 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order (2 minutes)
Board Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Approval of Agenda (2 minutes)
Board Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Recognition: (15 minutes) Staff Retirements
Board Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Peter Victorine, SAVHS Social Studies, 32 years of service Kirsten Donohue, SAMS-Dean of Students, 25 years of service Linda Admundsen, SAMS/SAVHS Nutrition Services Cook Manager, 31 years of service Cathy Steen, SAMS Special Education Paraprofessional, 20 years of service We are grateful for your commitment to our district. We wish you a fulfilling, relaxing and well-deserved retirement! |
Recognition: (10 minutes) Speech Students
Speech Coach - Joan Nelson
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The SAVHS Speech team earned recognition at local, state and national levels. Speech Coach Joan Nelson will be sharing the success of the team. |
Report: (15 minutes) Student Council
Advisor Zach Siggelkow
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The purpose of our student council is to give students the opportunity to create, develop, and lead school activities, events, and service projects. The events and activities that are organized contribute toward school spirit and community welfare. The student council is the voice of the student body. This informational presentation does not require any Board action. |
Report: SAMS Gardening Club (15 minutes)
SAMS Dean of Students - Kristine Schwintek
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
SAMS Gardening Club is a multi-phased project; designed and supported by the students of St. Anthony Middle School. This informational presentation does not require any Board action. |
Communication Break (10 minutes)
Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Superintendent Report (10 minutes)
Superintendent Dr. Renee Corneille
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Each school board meeting, the superintendent will take time to reflect on the school district’s achievements, events and stories of students and staff. The idea of these notes is to keep the board both informed and inspired of all the amazing work our school community has done over the past two weeks. |
Approval of Minutes (2 minutes)
Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Approval of Consent Agenda (2 minutes)
Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Action Item: (15 minutes) Levy Referendum Renewal
Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The School Board requested Superintendent Corneille to explore the process required to renew a Voter-Approved Operating Levy by School Board action. At the April 2nd board meeting, Superintendent Corneille explained the changes in the law allowing school boards to renew an existing Voter-Approved Operating Levy. Superintendent Corneille also shared the updated statute, the history of Operating Levies at SANB schools, and a proposed timeline for the Board. The board continued to discuss the levy renewal process at the next three board meetings, including an opportunity to review public comment gathered from the levy presentation meeting presented by Baird Public Finance. The attached resolution is presented for board vote. The recommended motion is to approve the resolution, as presented. |
Action Item: (5 minutes) ISD282 LTFM 10 Year Plan
Superintendent Dr. Renee Corneille
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
School districts are required to annually update their LTFM ten-year plan and submit the board-approved plan to the commissioner for approval.
The recommended motion is to approve the LTFM Capital Expenditure plan for fiscal years 2024-2034, as presented. |
Action Item: (5 minutes) LTFM NE Metro 916
Superintendent Dr. Renee Corneille
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The recommended motion is to approve Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District's LTFM (long term facility maintenance) program budget and authorize the inclusion of a proportionate share of those projects in the district's long-term facility maintenance revenue, as presented. |
Action Item: (5 minutes) MSHSL Membership Annual Renewal
Superintendent Dr. Renee Corneille
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The Resolution for Membership is an annual resolution adopted by MSHSL member schools to renew their membership with the Minnesota State High School League. Each school’s governing board agrees to adopt the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Regulations of the League and all amendments as the minimum standards governing participation in said League-sponsored activities and athletics. This membership renewal is processed prior to the start of the upcoming school year. Each member schools Superintendent/Head of School and their Board Clerk must sign the Resolution for Membership Form to renew their membership for the upcoming school year. The recommendation is to renew the MSHSL Annual Membership, as presented. |
Action Item: (5 minutes) BeSmart Resolution
Director Laura Oksnevad
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The board had a first reading of the BeSMART Safe Gun Storage Resolution in front of you on February 20th. When the board discussed the resolution, one thought was that the school district needed to inquire with the City of St. Anthony about collaborating in the effort to provide education and information to students, families and the community. During the joint meeting with the city on April 30, the city was interested in collaboration. Given the feedback from the city and the board, the edits have been made to the resolution. This is the final reading of the resolution. The recommendation is to approve the BeSmart Secure Storage Notification Resolution, as presented. |
Action Item: (5 minutes) IOwA- Identified Official with Authority
Superintendent Dr. Renee Corneille
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), Professional Educator Licensing Standards Board (PELSB), and Office of Higher Education (OHE) require annual designation of an Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for each local educational agency that uses the Education Identity and Access Management (EDIAM) system. The IOwA is responsible for authorizing, reviewing, and recertifying user access for their local educational agency in accordance with the State of Minnesota Enterprise Identity and Access Management Standard, which states that all user access rights to Minnesota state systems must be reviewed and recertified at least annually. The IOwA will authorize user access to State of Minnesota Education secure systems in accordance with the user’s assigned job duties, and will revoke that user’s access when it is no longer needed to perform their job duties. |
Discussion Item: (5 minutes) Monthly Legislative Update
Director Laura Oksnevad
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Standard 5 for School Board Leadership is Advocacy and Communication. The school board advances its vision at the local, regional, state, and national levels; engages and builds relationships with both public and private stakeholders and advocates on local, state and national levels. The Legislative Liaison, Director Oksnevad, will provide an update to the board regarding the advocacy of the SANB Legislative Platform issues. |
Discussion Item: (15 minutes) Policy Committee Update
Superintendent Dr. Renee Corneille
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The policy committee will review the policy definitions, the use of the consent agenda for adoption of policy and the policy timelines. Details are outlined in the provided memo. Additionally, a first reading of policies 427 and 606.5 will be presented for review. |
Discussion Item: (5 minutes) 2024-2025 School Board Meeting Dates
Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The School Board will review the potential meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year. |
School Board Member Reports (10 minutes)
Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Each school board meeting, the School Board members will take time to share information from the meetings, professional learning and events they have attended. |
Chair Ben Phillip
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item