May 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order and establish a quorum
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of minutes
Open forum
Discuss and take appropriate action on swearing in of school board members
Discuss and take appropriate action on realigning of the school board
Discuss and take appropriate action on Committee reports
Discuss and take appropriate action on Principal reports
Discuss and take appropriate action on the Ector ISD Wellness policy
Discuss and take appropriate action on renewing the school auditors contract with Morgan, Davis & Company, PC.
Discuss and take appropriate action on FCAD contract
Discuss and take appropriate action on door audit findings
Discuss and take appropriate action on the Intruder detection audit findings
Discuss and take appropriate action on the Standard response protocols
Discuss and take appropriate action on the NIMS - National Incident Management System
Discussion on parent survey information
Discuss and take appropriate action on amending the District of Innovation Plan to include a teacher development program
Discussion on the 2022-2023 district personnel
Discuss and take appropriate action on the 2023-2024 district personnel
Discuss and take appropriate action on Stipend scale
Discuss and take appropriate action on the monthly financial reports and invoices
Discuss items for next month's school board meeting