March 9, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order and establish a quorum
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of minutes
Open forum
Discuss and take appropriate action on Committee reports
Discuss and take appropriate action on principal reports
Discuss and take appropriate action on the Eagle Enrichment Program
Discussion on the John & Polly Smith scholarship topic
Discuss and take appropriate action on TASB Policy Updates
A: Local policy manual update 120 B: Local policy BE |
Discuss and take appropriate action on EOP Policy
Discuss and take appropriate action on staff appreciation
Discussion on district personnel
Discuss and take appropriate action on Part-Time Maintenance
Discuss and take appropriate action on
A: 2023-2024 Teacher Extra Duty & Stipends B: 2023-2024 Teacher contracts |
Budget review and update's
Discuss and take appropriate action on the monthly financial reports and invoices
Discuss items for next month's school board meeting