August 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Routine Business |
I.A. Call To Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Invocation
I.E. Recognition
I.E.1. Student
I.E.2. Staff
I.E.3. Other
II. Executive Session
III. Open Forum
IV. Reports
IV.A. Operations Report
IV.B. Athletics Report
IV.C. Finance Report
IV.C.1. Board Financials
IV.C.2. Investment Report
IV.C.3. Check List
IV.D. Board President Report
IV.D.1. 1st Day of School - Greeters
IV.D.2. District Luncheon
IV.D.3. Other Items
IV.E. Superintendent Report
IV.E.1. Beginning of Year Staff Development / Convocation
IV.E.2. Enrollment
IV.E.3. Personnel
IV.E.4. Other Items
V. First Read / Informational Items
V.A. Security Fencing
VI. Budget Workshop
VI.A. Proposed Budget for 2022-2023
VII. Consent Items
VII.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
VII.C. Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization Resolution
VII.D. Adjunct Faculty Request (County Extension Agent)
VII.E. Budget Amendment
VII.F. Compensation Plan Adjustment
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Consider Approval of the proposed tax rate to be published in the Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
VIII.B. Consider Approval of setting the public meeting date on the proposed budgets and proposed tax rates
VIII.C. Consider Renewal of Property and Casualty Insurance
VIII.D. Consider Approval of Bus Cameras Purchase
VIII.E. Consider Approval of Secure Vestibule for High School
VIII.F. Consider Approval of Adult Meal Prices
IX. Adjournment