May 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer and Pledge
3. Canvass Votes from the May 6, 2023 Election
4. Administer Oaths to New Board Members
Matt Herzog was sworn in
5. Discuss and Possible Action to Hire Johnny Tubb as Interim Superintendent
6. Reorganization of Board Officers
Reorganization of Board Officers Form on Seperate Form
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Principal's Report
9. Approval of Consent Items
10. Deliberation and possible action to adopt a Resolution declaring certain personal property of the District as surplus property and authorizing the Superintendent to dispose of such surplus personal property through a
public auction or some other means as set forth in the Resolution |
11. Discuss and Possible Action to Approve Resolution to Extend Depository Contract through 2025
12. Discuss and Possible Action to Enter into MOU with Region 17 Staff to Assist in Superintendent Search
13. Discuss TREA Summer Conference
14. Discuss and Possible Action to Accept Superintendent Resignation
15. Discuss Staff Needs for the 2023-2024 School Year
16. Deliberation and Possible Action to Enter into a Voluntary Resignation Agreement with a Classroom Teacher Relating to 2023-2024 Employment Contract
17. Personnel-Closed Session, if needed
18. Set Next Board Meeting Date
19. Adjourn