July 27, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Throckmorton Collegiate ISD Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Review Board Operating Procedures
5. Principals' Reports/STAAR progress
6. Counselor's Report
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Board Goal 1: College and industry degree attainment: Associate’s (90% by 2022) and Bachelor’s Degrees (80% after graduation) and 70% of that group earning postgraduate degrees and 100% industry-based certification |
8.i. Review/update board goals
9. Board Goal 2: By 2022, students will show an increase in college and career readiness (through the use of AVID, CIF, employability skills, research based projects)
10. Board Goal 3: By 2022, 100% of stakeholders will feel physically and social-emotionally safe and secure in the school environment. |
10.i. Consider/possible action item on 2022-2023 Employee handbook
10.ii. Consider/possible action item of 2022-2023 student handbook
10.iii. Consider/possible acton item on extracurricular handbook
11. Board Goal 4: By 2022, Increase transformative and innovative best practices for teachers through STEM related professional development |
11.i. Discuss/possible Action on August professional development plan aligned to Clearinghouse standards
11.ii. Discussion/possible action item on 2022-2023 TTESS appraisers
11.iii. Discuss/possible action item on TTESS calendar for 2022-2023
11.iv. Informational Item: Award of the TEA's Mobile STEM lab in May
11.v. Informational Item: Award of Lone Star STEM grant cycle 2 year 3
12. Board Goal 5: Throckmorton Collegiate I.S.D. will continue to have a sustainable financial model, which provides the resources necessary to realize the district vision.
12.i. Consent Agenda
12.i.1. Minutes of previous meetings
12.i.2. Financial report and payment of bills
12.ii. Consider/possible action on purchase of land to be used for teacher housing
12.iii. Consider/possible action to purchase school housing for teachers
13. Public Comment-limited to 2 minutes regarding an agenda item
14. Consider/possible action item to Region 9 TASB Board of Directors
15. Consider/possible action on Waiving P&I on delinquent taxes
16. Adjourn
17. Addendum item: Consider/possible action item to school calendar revision