March 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Throckmorton Collegiate ISD Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Review Board Operating Procedures
5. Students of the Month
6. Montessori certification recognition
7. Employees of the Month
8. Principal's Report/STAAR progress
9. Counselor's Report
10. Superintendent's Report
11. Board Goal 1: College and industry degree attainment: Associate’s (90% by 2022) and Bachelor’s Degrees (80% after graduation) and 70% of that group earning postgraduate degrees and 100% industry-based certification |
11.i. Associate's degree rate at graduation expected for class of 2022-100%
12. Board Goal 2: By 2022, students will show an increase in college and career readiness (through the use of AVID, CIF, employability skills, research based projects)
13. Board Goal 3: By 2022, 100% of stakeholders will feel physically and social-emotionally safe and secure in the school environment. |
13.i. Consider changes to extra-curricular handbook regarding cheer
13.ii. Take action on cancellection of May 2022 school board elections
14. Board Goal 4: By 2022, Increase transformative and innovative best practices for teachers through STEM related professional development |
14.i. Blended learning coaching and goals for junior high staff
15. Board Goal 5: Throckmorton Collegiate I.S.D. will continue to have a sustainable financial model, which provides the resources necessary to realize the district vision.
15.i. Consent Agenda
15.i.1. Minutes of previous meetings
15.i.2. Financial report and payment of bills
15.ii. Closed Session: Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code 551.071 and 551.074, consult with legal counsel and deliberate regarding Superintendent’s recommendation to propose nonrenewal of term contract of Ag teacher Rod Brents.
15.iii. Consider/take action on principal contract for 2022-2023
15.iv. Consider/take action on counselor contract for 2022-2023
15.v. Consider/take action on athletic director dual contract for 2022-2023
| Consider/take action of hiring of assistant principal/ELA teacher
15.vii. Consider and take possible action to propose nonrenewal of term contract of Ag teacher Rod Brents.
15.viii. Consider/possible action to increase to substitute teacher pay
16. Public Comment-limited to 2 minutes regarding an agenda item
17. Adjourn