August 25, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Throckmorton Collegiate ISD Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Review Board Operating Procedures
5. Public Comment
6. Principal's Report
7. Counselor's Report
8. Superintendent's Report
9. Board Goal 1: College and industry degree attainment: Associate’s (90% by 2022) and Bachelor’s Degrees (80% after graduation) and 70% of that group earning postgraduate degrees and 100% industry-based certification |
9.i. Edubuild update
9.ii. Adopt 2021-2022 Appraisal Calendar
9.iii. Adopt 2021-2022 Teacher Appraisers
10. Board Goal 2: By 2022, students will show an increase in college and career readiness (through the use of AVID, CIF, employability skills, research based projects)
10.i. Discussion and possible action to approve the 21-22 SHAC committee
11. Board Goal 3: By 2022, 100% of stakeholders will feel physically and social-emotionally safe and secure in the school environment. |
12. Board Goal 4: By 2022, Increase transformative and innovative best practices for teachers through STEM related professional development |
12.i. Update on STEM Engineering Design Training
13. Board Goal 5: Throckmorton Collegiate I.S.D. will continue to have a sustainable financial model, which provides the resources necessary to realize the district vision.
13.i. Public hearing to discuss 2021-2022 school budget and tax rate
13.ii. Adoption of 2021-2022 school budget
13.iii. Resolution adopting tax rate
13.iv. Public Hearing-20-21 FIRST Rating
13.v. Open additional account with Interbank and add authorized signatures
| Add/remove signatures from primary Interbank account
13.vii. Discussion and possible action to retain attorneys and consultants to assist Throckmorton Collegiate Independent School District in the review and processing of the Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property from Inertia Wind Project, LLC, pursuant to Texas Tax Code § 313. |
13.viii. Acknowledgment of Conflict-of-Interest Policy BBFA (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) by Individual Trustees of the Throckmorton Collegiate Independent School District Board of Trustees concerning an Application for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property from Inertia Wind Project, LLC. |
13.ix. Discussion and possible action to accept an Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property from Inertia Wind Project, LLC, pursuant to Texas Tax Code § 313; authorize the Superintendent of Schools to review the Application for completeness and submit the Application to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts; and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to approve any request for extension of the deadline for Board action beyond the 150-day Board review period, as may be required
13.x. Consider and possible action to approve an order authorizing the issuance of the Throckmorton Collegiate Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2021 (the “Bonds”); establishing procedures for the sale and delivery of the Bonds; levying an annual ad valorem tax for the payment of the Bonds; enacting other provisions related to the issuance of the Bonds; and all other matters related thereto. |
13.xi. Consent Agenda
13.xi.1. Minutes of previous meeting
13.xi.2. Financial report and payment of bills
13.xi.3. Budget Amendments
14. Agenda item addition: Resolution for staff additional days due to COVID-19
15. Adjourn