November 6, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Woodbridge Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda |
I. Preliminary Business
I.A. Call To Order
I.B. Public Comment
Board welcomes public participation and asks that speakers please limit
their comments to five minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments
of school operations and programs that concern them. To protect the
integrity of the impartiality of the Board, we will not permit any
expression of personal complaints or potential defamatory comments
about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person
connected with the Woodbridge School District. Such issues should be
brought to the school administration.
II. Action Items
II.A. Ratify Contract Agreement with the Woodbridge Association of School Administrators
II.B. Ratify Contract Agreement with the Woodbridge Education Association
II.C. Act on Authorization for 1/4 Mile Loop
For Reference Purposes - below are the final motions passed at the September 15, 2008 meeting
MOTION #4B – BRS TRACK Move that we endorse, in concept, Design Option B for the ¼ mile loop with Enviroseal, to finish the topographical survey and final design/funding be brought back to the BOE Facilities Committee for recommendation to the full Board. Ms. Kelley Second by Ms. McCreven UNANIMOUS MOTION #5A – BRS TRACK Move that we authorize the Superintendent to approach the Town Board of Selectmen with questions to expand the scope of the T2 survey to include elements of the Southeast site erosion problems to maximize cost efficiencies. Mr. Livesay Second by Ms. McCreven UNANIMOUS
III. Adjourn